• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Several of those programs are scammy. I know people who’ve been screwed by their company in South Korea, Ethiopia, and the Philippines. I’m glad it worked for you, and it’s a worthwhile thing to try if it calls to you, but it’s a recipe for culture shock and depression if someone doesn’t fully understand and want that experience.

    I’m an American living in Germany, and I teach German classes to new immigrants, so I see a lot of people who wanted something different, but didn’t specifically want Germany. It’s much more difficult for them to adjust to a new place than for people who specifically seek Germany out.

    I also personally think teaching children is too important to leave to people who are untrained, even if they’re subject matter experts, but I may be biased as it’s my career. I definitely wouldn’t teach kindergarten, because I (like most people) don’t have the patience.

  • A lot of Jews see the Torah as allegorical, just like a lot of Catholics. I went to Catholic school and not a single person tried to tell me that a day really meant a day in the creation myth. Everyone just sort of had an aside that time was funky and people weren’t the best at clear note taking back then, so it’s more a loose allegory than definite fact (given that the Vatican is cool with evolution, it’s not so surprising).

    That said, I think this is the wrong comment section

  • Yeah, I was in therapy at 27 for my ADHD, which was diagnosed fifteen years earlier, when I learned how to make an ADHD-friendly to-do list.

    In those fifteen years I never thought “maybe to-do lists are so frequently recommended because they’re actually valuable” and no other therapists or mentors had thought that I might not know that to-do lists for people with ADHD are different from the ones that work for neurotypical people (my list doesn’t say “wash dishes,” it says “collect dishes from the bedroom and kitchen, soak silverware in a pot with hot water, stack plates next to the sink, soak any cookware or cups that need it, wash plates and bowls, wash silverware, wash cups, wash cookware”).

    It’s so obvious in hindsight, but I felt almost condescended to when people told me to write a to-do list. Finding out not only were they right, but I need a to-do list that’s broken down into smaller steps than normal was humbling in a good way. I hope I’m less dismissive of seemingly basic ideas now.

    I think if someone had seen my therapist’s notes to me and made fun of them, I might not have been able to be open to their advice. Or maybe I’d just be embarrassed about the experience, instead of grateful.