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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • What I’m saying is there’s a chance a churchgoer or a pastor is doing it for selfless reasons, where that is never the case for sports.

    I never said otherwise.

    But the whole point here is we’re talking not about selfishness we’re talking about manipulation.

    Manipulation of others to do ones bidding is not the purpose of sports. Panem et circenses sure but not “do my bidding proles”

    And I’m extremely aware of how people act and grow up in religions: I grew up in a very hierarchical religious structure and have seen the well intentioned abuses that people earnestly trying to help inflict on others. Manipulation is manipulation, ill intentioned or otherwise. And when you get higher up in a hierarchical structure that professes faith you will reach a point where everyone knows it’s fake and chooses to act otherwise.

  • Amigo - the corpos already know. They also know that anyone who hates ads enough to install and maintain ad blockers is also not going to click on ads. They’re wasted impressions. The amount an advertiser pays to put an ad in front of you is a rounding error compared to the amount they pay when you click.

    When I worked at G I had a Linux laptop. It came pre-installed with Firefox and uBlock origin in addition to Chrome.

    If Google is distributing Firefox with uBlock internally to employees they know about ad blockers.

    It’s similar to how scam emails always have egregious spelling errors: they’re trying to select out the people that won’t fall for the scam.

  • I’m not positive I’m understanding your term naturalistic but no neuroscientist would say “we are just neurons”. Similarly no neuroscientist would deny that neurons are a fundamental part of consciousness and thought.

    You have plenty of complex chemical processes interacting with your brain constantly - the neurons there aren’t all of who you are.

    But without the neurons there: you aren’t anyone anymore. You cease to live. Destroying some of those neurons will change you fundamentally.

    There’s no disputing this.

  • bruh. 🤦‍♂️ “solar🌞punk” ☀️ is the most unrealistic and 🙄 blank ◻️ genre. its almost like an AI generated 🤖. no realism at all, a lack of style 💃💃. im not even diving into the fact that its most-used visual representation is freaking YOGURT AD🍦🍦🍦. i think that solar🌞punk 🌱 even less realistic than steam💨punk. like imagine 🧠 just adding several solar panels ☀️ and maybe a wind turbine 🌬️ to a factory or any building 🏬 that consumes electricity⚡⚡. the authors🤓 of this “punk” just don’t know how the real world 🌎 works (what are you going to do when there’s night 🌚 and no wind💨💨💨💨🤣🤣🙂‍↔️?)"