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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023

  • The same thing actually passing a turing test would require. You’ve obviously read the words “Turing test” somewhere and thought you understood what it meant, but no robot we’ve ever produced as a species has passed the turing test. It EXPLICITLY requires that intelligence equal to (or indistinguishable from) HUMAN intelligence is shown. Without a liar reading responses, no AI we’ll produce for decades will pass the turing test.

    No large language model has intelligence. They’re just complicated call and response mechanisms that guess what answer we want based on a weighted response system (we tell it directly or tell another machine how to help it “weigh” words in a response). Obviously with anything that requires massive amounts of input or nuance, like language, it’ll only be right about what it was guided on, which is limited to areas it is trained in.

    We don’t have any novel interactions with AI. They are regurgitation engines, bringing forward sentences that aren’t theirs piecemeal. Given ten messages, I’m confident no major LLM would pass a Turing test.

  • While it was the complaint, the game did mention a required PSN account on all storefronts. This was disabled when auth/login was unplayably bad on launch week, then not re-enabled until a while later (with a week long heads up for new players and a month long heads up for existing players). Nobody actually got locked out of the game, and as my PSN account is registered somewhere I do not live, I don’t think anyone would’ve been stopped playing by the change if it had been pushed.

    What we “won” and sony “learned” is that they can’t get accurate metrics on playercount since HD2’s statistics aren’t being tracked correctly by the game’s session system and the playerbase is uncooperative. In this era where data is king, this just means we’ll stop seeing Sony funded helldivers ads on youtube while they market their giants that correctly report the data they’re looking for that helps them make a userbase that prints money.

    Oh, and we marred the all-time and recent review score from overwhelmingly positive. Guarantee you the successful action was the steam refund count on the game - truly unsolvable problem. As refund requests that don’t meet an automatic metric need a reply, and resolution usually takes ~an hour, the 6 digit refund count was not realistically solvable without rolling the requirement for a legitimate PSN account back. You can track how many total refund requests steam has day by day, as this is a public count in steam’s support page. There were 800k more than the average weekend.

    Tl;dr: while the complaint was this, the reality was not. The review bomb hurt arrowhead’s relationship with sony more than it hurt sony. The refund bomb didn’t cause steam to change policies this time but damn if it isn’t justified now.

  • It would have killed nintendo to add an ethernet port. As someone who bought the dongle, having a wired connection will NOT save you from nintendo online being the worst gaming networking service ever devised. No game benefits from it, least of all actual nintendo titles like splatoon or smash. It’s not even a problem of speed, it’s wholesale reliability issues, constant loss of connection errors. If an ethernet port was available included rather than needing to be a seperate purchase, more people would realize sooner just how truly awful the paid nintendo online service is.

    I’m just still mad that I could play phantasy star online for ten hours uninterrupted on my gamecube, but now there’s not a single nintendo title that has stable online. Pokémon might let you get a raid or two before needing to reconnect. Splatoon might get a match or three before needing to reconnect completely. Smash won’t stay stable for even one full match. It’s a complete tragedy.

  • I don’t pen a word without 20 hours invested in the game unless it is a short title. I talk about the game with friends conversationally to get my thoughts in order, then I actually do a write-up if the game seems to deserve some word-of-mouth for innovation or refined design.

    Sometimes, 20 hours isn’t enough for a game’s whole story, and it needs further investment to have a real analysis of scope - path of exile, elite:dangerous, any given mmo or fighting game, some 4x and rts, plenty of titles have zoomed-out takes that really take familiarity to understand.

    Nothing bothers me more than clear beginner takes on a game written flippantly. Impossible to tell if someone is sharing an experience or just parroting what they read about the game when people talk about some titles recently, like gaming discussion has become infected at large by /v/ bandwagon culture.

    It’s rare, but sometimes in talking or writing out how a game felt to play, I kind of change my mind about the experience. In the past few years I had the opportunity to just pick up a bunch of AAA titles as they dropped frivolously, since I sold a lot of dota 2 items from early TI events for mad steam bucks. I’ve noticed new IP in particular get a lot of hate from people who didn’t play the game at all and decided that without seeing any actual gameplay whatsoever, and going in to them I was kind of flippant myself, but by the end of the experience the gameplay always matters more than whatever the huge negative press cycle is focused on. Shitty dialogue? Level design woes? Random focus on a feature the genre typically does not have anyway? Sure, whatever, but I hardly remember anything from a game except for where the fun was derived when all is said and done.

    Stephen King said the secret to being a good writer was to “Read a lot, write a lot” and keep that up. If you want to articulate your thoughts about a game, or even just improve at playing one, the same concept (practice) works all around here. I’m not going to say a disciplined approach is required for truth or validity, especially when it comes to games, but it sure helps you reach it in ways that literally just repeating what other people are saying cannot.

    Play Outer Wilds.

  • SPT and the multiplayer conversion (Now Project Fika, formerly MPT) are the best ways to experience the game now for a multitude of reasons. I think learning heatmaps and dead locations applies no matter how you play - and the same can be said for bullet penetration, it’s just part of the game - but there’s a neverending stream of cheaters that feel far worse to lose to than a boss you weren’t prepared for. I can get trashed by tagila eighty times and accept that gear is just forfeit, I chanced it going to factory; when I am killed by a head/eyes with no audio five seconds into a fresh raid multiple times a day there’s substantially less to learn from and improve on.

    Worth noting you can get mods for SPT that change how AI behave, categorize them so some are doing a common farming route, some are moving to quest locations. It doesn’t make up for what we lost (the awkward vocal exchanges as you agree to not slay a new player at a starting quest location), but it helps retain some of the spice.

  • You don’t understand the difference between content and convenience DLC. MTX and ads are not equivalent. The game does not show you these purchases outside the store page. You’re a bandwagon rider and that’s cool I guess, but it’s clear you have absolutely no nuance when it comes to dlc practices and you’re looking for internet points via a reddit style dunk. Nobody mentioned gacha but you, nobody mentioned nintendo (MUCH WORSE COMPANY THAN CAPCOM LMFAO) but you, maybe get a few years on before you started deciding you have a clue about the industry (or most consumers!).

    After a peek, you’re a reddit content reposter so I’ll be blocking you either way lmfao