• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • No hard feelings at all. I made a well-intentioned but dumb joke that wasn’t well-received and you had the guts to call me out on why people were reacting so badly. I respect that, and am always open to changing my perspective in the face of new evidence.

    For what it’s worth, it sounds like we’re largely on the same side here. With Lemmy being such a small place, I even recognize your user name as someone I’m pretty sure I’ve come across before and thought, “this sounds like a smart person.”

    Perceptions are also easily swayed because we’ve been on an unusually long objectively (not relative) downward slope.

    I’m definitely with you here. I used to buy into the liberal notion that the world is objectively getting better (liberal as in the classic/European meaning, not how it’s typically used here in North America). I think that was largely true for a long time since WWII, and it’s probably still true in several metrics. Overall though, it feels we’re on a major downward trend in many places where it really matters such as the climate, wealth inequality, global strife, etc. I’ll admit that’s had me pretty demoralized but then I have some good interactions with folks in here that helps me see a little light in all the misery, so thanks for that.

  • Imagine how different the world was for people with super niche interests before the internet. Back then, this would have been seen as the weird (or at best eccentric) guy in your town who collects fire alarms and won’t stop talking about them. Now he’s presumably got a fulfilling social life via his unusual hobby, and an outlet to share his thoughts to a willing audience.

    For all its many faults over the last decades, this is the pure internet at its best.

  • I guess the technical difference would be that one had ancestors who took their power by force and managed to cement it into hereditary rule, while the other acquired it as a “captain of industry” and then largely did the same thing through lobbying or other forms of cronyism.

    Mostly the same end result, but for some reason we put one on our coins and hold celebrations in their honor.

    I do prefer your champagne analogy though.

  • Well, while I was also mostly joking with that second comment, respect for calling me out on it. For the record, I do know that people have always been this stupid and that much of the US is ridiculously gerrymandered. If anything I was maybe projecting a bit as I suspect I got COVID a few years back and my short-term memory has been off ever since. It’s been a point of concern for me as, I admit, it’s made me feel more stupid.

    I do think people are getting worse, but in reality I blame misinformation campaigns for that.

    The one thing I will (politely) disagree with in your comment is your characterization of pot smokers being hard left or disengaged with politics. I think it’s much more universal across the spectrum than you’re suggesting. Now that it’s legal in Canada it seems like everyone uses it to some degree. That’s an exaggeration but I’m continually shocked by some of the people I know coming out of the woodwork as users, and many are not even close to hard left (and are engaged in following news and voting for the party I loathe).

    Anyway, respect again for sharing your opinion and I’m truly sorry if I offended anyone with my earlier comment. I’ll leave it up for the sake of posterity.

  • I know what you mean there as well. I was always very arachnophobic but over the last few years have mostly gotten over it by treating the spiders in my house as something like hands-off pets and giving them names. Jumping spiders are amazing little creatures but, yeah, the lifespan makes them a non-starter.

    If you like sci-fi, check out the Children of Time series. It’s about a race of uplifted jumping spiders. The author does a great job of building a concept of their society based on their current characteristics as a species.

  • Well, I’ve favorited you here on Lemmy and will make sure to keep in touch. I wasn’t sure there was a DM feature, but looking in my app it appears there is, so I’ll do that in the coming days to check in.

    No glowing trees in my dreams, but a good sleep nonetheless so thanks for that!

  • You as well, my dude! And for the record, you seem very likable to me. Please do feel more than welcome to reach out if you ever need a friendly ear. I often feel powerless in the world, but one thing I am capable of is acting as a sounding board for someone who needs to vent. As I said in another comment earlier today, I’m pretty pessimistic about the state of the world, so these days I focus on just helping people where I can.

  • I definitely recognize that video! I’m sure I saw it on Ebaums World or something way back before YouTube.

    As to your comment itself - don’t worry about being “too much” with me, especially after that info dump I fired at you. Many of us at my work struggle with mental illness and joke about how blatantly we trauma-dump on each other all the time. Sooooo, I’m used to it, and regularly perpetrate it myself. I’ve also been through two full-on mental breakdowns myself so not a lot can shock me.

    It’s late and I need some sleep but if you ever need a friendly ear to vent to, add me on Mastodon ( @herrcaptain@geekdom.social ) or straight up shoot me an email ( herrcaptain@proton.me ). I skimmed some of your comment history and you seem like a good egg and we have a lot of common ground for a friendship.