Downvotes rewarded with hugs.

  • 20 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023

  • You say that with such certainty, as if proof of stake schemes won’t simply be a greenwashing alibi for accelerating validation of currencies using them, to the point of the same carbon footprint as POW.

    You’re simply wrong to say that POS is without environmental impact, even Ethereum’s carbon reductions were only that (and not nearly as high as they claimed).

  • Okay, sorry for the sarcasm. I think there is a certain overlap in the language used around general privacy principles and the more… out there, political anti-society movements.

    Sometimes it’s innocent and random but when I see somebody putting cryptocurrency up front in their project and using “sovereign computing” as a tagline, my internal crackpot detector goes nuts. I’m fairly sure that deep down these people would want to see the world burn to stay warm toward the end.