• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023

  • greenskye@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldAI bell curve
    2 days ago

    The problem with humans reviewing AI output is that humans are pretty shit at QA. Our brains are literally built to ignore small mistakes. Digging through the output of an AI that’s right 95% of the time is nightmare fuel for human brains. If your task needs more accuracy, it’s probably better to just have the human do it all, rather than try to review it.

  • Do you think not voting will make the world better? Biden isn’t perfect and I’ll continue to pursue progressive candidates in primaries, but I don’t see what anyone gains by not voting or voting for someone who’s definitely going to do a lot more that I disagree with. I didn’t disagree that America has a right to be angry with him, regardless of any excuses, but you still live in reality and have to deal with the situation you have, not the one you want.

  • Honestly I think the entirety of the last 10 years of complete government failure should be tied back to the almost totally non-functional legislature.

    The president can’t pass laws. The supreme court would matter far less, if we weren’t trying to creatively reinterpret ancient laws and applying them to technology and culture that didn’t even exist at the time they were written. Instead of updating and clarifying any of those laws, the supreme court has been allowed to effectively make policy by continually shifting interpretations of a static and obsolete set of laws that Congress should have updated 20 years ago. Several times courts have effectively changed policy by saying ‘the law doesn’t mean that, go write an actual law for that, don’t just make shit up’ and then Congress just doesn’t react at all.

    If you look back at history, constitutional amendments were relatively regular up until recently. Can anyone imagine our current government passing an amendment for anything at all? Even the most minor tweak would be impossible in this Congress. Several of our major ‘wins’ were mere court cases and like we found out with abortion, what the court gives, the court can take away. Anything about our current day to day life that exists solely based on a court ruling we should be fighting to codify into law, but we all seem to recognize how futile that task is.

  • Ya, basically Biden is only able to solve minor first world problems instead of any sort of meaningful attempt on any of the several huge issues.

    This isn’t all his fault, he’s not a king and can’t do whatever he wants, but I also don’t often find my own managers all that happy with me when all I can say I’ve accomplished is minor, non-critical tasks and haven’t even started on the major work they want accomplished. Making a report look nicer and fixing the break room coffee machine isn’t going to cover for failing to launch our latest product. Americans are right to be disappointed in their government and we should be disappointed in our media for failing to stick to larger issues.

  • greenskye@lemm.eetopissposting@lemmy.worldChoice posting
    5 days ago

    Yep, the US is still very much in the ‘most people (of all political ideologies) don’t even see it as an issue’ phase. Based on other political or cultural movements, I think we’re still decades away from it even being seen as a real issue to address by most of society. We’re maybe at a similar stage as the 50s were gay people?

  • I realize gaming on Linux is already very doable (I have a steam deck), but for me specifically, I need the majority of the mod developers to have shifted over to Linux gaming before I can switch. I primarily play games that tend to be heavily modded and it’s really common to need to run some sort of 3rd party tool to mod. One that is often not Linux compatible. I realize there are utilities that can sometimes help with this, but between extremely spotty mod documentation and my own lack of familiarity with Linux, that kind a tricky ask for me to accomplish. I’ve pretty much given up on playing modded games on my steam deck for now. I hope someday most of the gaming world will switch, but until then I feel somewhat chained to Windows if I want to enjoy my hobby.

  • It’s kind of curious to me about search because honestly my Internet world has only grown smaller and smaller. Where I used to use Google to find new websites, I feel like most of my searches on Google are now to search a handful of sites I already know. Ironically if Reddit had a better search function, a lot of my Google usage would fall off as I’d just go directly there, as it’s still the best place I’ve found for troubleshooting support and real reviews of lots of products. A competitor to Google wouldn’t really need to index the entire web for most people, but rather a relatively small number of website super giants like Amazon, Reddit, Wikipedia, etc.

  • I’m not sure there could be any sort of legitimate threat to them, but I could definitely see a Netflix situation playing out. That is a popular upstart temporarily seems poised to take over, but then suffers from extreme levels of interference from bigger players who artificially hold the upstart down while they desperately catch up and then ultimately come at least equal while the Netflix equivalent is mostly a shell of what it could’ve been.

    Never underestimate how much buckets and buckets of cash reserves can overcome even incredibly out of touch laziness when it comes to competing with any start ups. Apple in particular could probably afford to let competitors get a decade ahead and still be able to come back based on the ridiculous amount of cash they have to float their business along with.

  • greenskye@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzEconomics
    6 days ago

    But there aren’t ‘new’ graphing calculators being required and they don’t get worn out that easily. There’s a relatively stable amount of people who need one at any given time, so honestly I’d have expected the second hand market to have crashed the market more than it has. There should honestly be multiple times over more graphing calculators in circulation than there is a need for them.

  • Honestly I think some people have just internalized the social pressure of needing to be calm or cool all the time. Exuberant happiness at small things is considered childish and many would mock adults for expressing happiness in this way. It takes a certain confidence and strength of character to hold on to that sense of joy without it being lost in the journey of growing into an adult.

  • greenskye@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzPSI
    7 days ago

    This is scary new information for me that puts a childhood incident in a much more horrifying context. I was at pet store when I was like 10 and one of the parrots seemed friendly so I let it climb up to my shoulder, only for it to painfully bite my ear. It hurt a lot, but no blood was drawn. I managed to get free easily enough. I thought that was pretty bad, but now I’m learning that apparently it could’ve easily ripped off my ear?!? Apparently I’m a lot luckier and that parrot was actually a lot nicer than I thought.