• 68 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 23rd, 2024


  • Current renewables are fossil fuel multipliers. This is not a basic law of physics, but we’ve almost ran out of time and fossil resources to fix that. What’s worse is that we’re not even seriously attempting it.

    We’re not giving up fossil fuels, fossil fuels are (un)fortunately abandoning us. Which of course brings us to that apocalyptic scenario you mention.

  • Location: Southern Germany

    A significant flood following exceptional rainfall. One of these once-a-century events that are likely to happen once-a-decade now.

    Increased violence towards politicians, including knife attacks. Further escalation in the NATO-Russia conflict, including attacks on Russia’s nuclear triad infrastructure. Obviously trying very hard to provoke use of tactical nuclear weapons.

    Things in general continue to degrade: quantity and quality of goods and services, the general economy, mental health of the population.