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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’ve been trying to put my thoughts to words and I think you phrase it pretty well.

    In a sense, it’s not all that different from non-sex work doing something you enjoy and find passion in. At least under the lens of capitalism, what I see as the main problem is needing to use that to live, whether it’s sex or not. Of course the stakes are different and more intimate, but exploitation is fundamental to either situation.

    It’s hard to expand to a more general view as certainly not every sex worker is doing it solely because they want to, and I think the individual’s privilege plays a big role. So again, at the heart of it is the capitalist definition of “work”, and not necessarily the sexual component, in my mind. I may be way off base, though.

    I have no connection to sex work other than human empathy, so my thoughts are mostly academic. I am always reconsidering my views on everything, so anyone please poke holes in my reasoning!