• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I have an gaming buddy that is waaaaaaaaay down the conspiracy rabbit hole, I wish I had the energy and position to help him. Another friend of mine that is closer to him says he’s gone, she’s been trying for years to talk him out of it. He has a constant stream of right wing insanity on in the background of his house.

    You’re doing a wonderful thing for this young man

  • I don’t even know why the user needs to be exposed to the Fedivere. A “normie” interface would group all of the related subs in the server’s federation and display them as one sub. It doesn’t ask the user which server to join, it asks what the user’s interests are and plops them into a server that matches their interests.

    If someone is coming here from Reddit to post their butthole they really don’t want to have to go through a sign up process that throws so much technical “yuck” at them they’re probably just going to take their butthole pictures and go back to Reddit because this looks like geek stuff that requires too much “figuring out” at this Lemmy thing.

  • I’m feeling really good about the Fedivere.

    I started out being “social” on the Internet with IRC in 1994 and it was so exciting to have people in my computer to talk to; it felt so cutting edge and so much cooler than chat rooms on AOL and such.

    Then I moved into StumbleUpon, which was my first link aggregation type of site. Not much social about it but it let you pick categories and you could submit links to it. I found tons of awesome and weird stuff on it, it was like discovering a “find cool shit” button on my browser; I’d click that button for hours, for better or worse. I don’t know how popular SU was but it felt so innovative to me; I was so sad it was gone one day or at least just a shell of it’s former self.

    Digg came next, and I had no idea what it was but once I got into it it was amazing; new interesting/funny stuff and a community that comments on it, everyone was hilarious and clever. We all know where that went.

    Then it was Reddit, it felt like such a breath of fresh air after digg. It has all the edge of old digg and hilarious commentary that I liked from digg, without since of the stifling ideas that digg had. I have a fond memory of holding back laughter while sitting in a waiting room every week; of course there was no Reddit app back then so I used Reddit is Fun. And I never stopped until last week.

    Fedivere has that vibe for me again. I loved the insane amount of content and communities that Reddit has with it’s 13+ years of history and Internet culture. But it’s just time to move on. Fedivere will probably have hiccups and might even fail to get a meaningful grip but this is such an interesting take on the social link aggregation site and I’m really excited to see where it goes! Thanks to all the hard work being done behind the scenes!