• 43 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • Kaspersky should just ignore it.

    They should 1) Continue to provide updates, 2) do their utmost to prevent blocking of updates, provide updates through tor or some other service that makes it very, very hard to block for the US. 3) Do what US VPN providers did when they couldn’t do business in Russia anymore which is give all existing customers free usage of the product until such time the market is available again.

    Further they should start openly attributing to the US spyware they uncover instead of doing their usual diplomatic analysis of “looks similar to many western government associated actors”.

    What annoys the shit out of me about this conversation that’s going to be had is if they had fears about them taking data and files well they could pass a law that applies to all AV companies and applies strict privacy policies to them but they’d never do that because all western backed AV and info-sec companies are infested up to the gills if not literally founded by funded by national security state ghouls (former of course they’d claim but no such creature).

    Sadly Kaspersky are kind of like many Russians, too diplomatic, eager to bend the knee. They should absolutely do what western companies into the anti-Russian propaganda did but in reverse, claim it’s their duty to continue protecting their customers especially in repressive western states.

    They will absolutely sue of course. They regularly sue copyright trolls and all kinds of others but as I understand it this kind of listing is basically entirely at the pleasure of the US government and they can just sit in court and keep repeating nothing but the words “national security, sources classified, trust us” and win the case because commerce dept I believe has authority to sanction whoever they please.

  • Just a warning, this page tries to load resources from a url (africa [dot] thesmalladventureguide [dot] com) which is identified as being malicious and involved in malware payload delivery. This may be a false positive (though multiple products are concurring via virustotal) but exercise caution. Consider viewing article via an archive link.

    Probably SocGholish campaign. Looks like they tend to rely on directing victims to fake update sites to execute malware downloads so not high risk. Most likely original site is legitimate but compromised.

  • What are they going to do? Vote for a party that didn’t approve of this aka a third party that will never win? Protest a bit then go home when it doesn’t work?

    Or more than likely go use some brand new or existing suddenly mysteriously popular thanks to a CIA push American/western backed platform that’s similar but not the same?

    Compare to the consequences of not crushing Chinese social media which is America sliding down away from unchallenged hegemony of the global cultural discourse, unchallenged hegemony of the towering heights of tech, communication, etc.

    It isn’t about Americans being spied on. Tiktok is controlled by the CIA and NSA and their American offices are full of “former” intelligence officers. It’s about the fact that because it isn’t American they can’t use it in influence ops globally, they can’t control global discourse with it. Just like Huawei, it was never about Chinese backdoors, it was about lack of 5 eyes western back doors in the equipment going to others that threatens the “national security” of a hacking empire of spies. The problem was always someone in Africa or Russia or India or South America, etc who couldn’t be spied on, influenced, moderated by American power via American companies, back-doors, back-room agreements with the State Dept and CIA for influence OPs, helping color revolutions, etc.

  • I’ve also had good experiences in the past when I had a serious blockage with using one of those wide-mouthed syringes. In addition to water what I did was take some food grade baby/mineral oil (can also buy at many pharmacies), put it in the syringe and heated it up with hot water to uncomfortable but not painful and then blasted it in and let it sit for some minutes with ear turned down then flushed with water, the oil acting to soften the wax and kind of lubricate it out so when I later flushed with water it came out more easily.

  • Decomb filter is set and will increase the effort needed. Unless the video is noticeably interlaced (line artifacts, not likely for most blurays) and you’re trying to fix that there’s no reason to run it. (Note however this is the least time intensive thing you’re doing, I just mention it for completeness, to be honest handbrake may have detection so it only runs while needed but I’ve always set it manually and only as needed)

    Besides that though you’re using software encoding which while better will take much longer. Try setting the encoding tune under video settings to something faster.

    Alternatively set your encoder to use NVENC version of the scheme you want (264) With NVENC encoding 30 minutes without anything else should take 7 minutes or so.

    One last thing. You seem to have it set to burn subtitles in. This generates a lot of extra work and is not advisable unless your hardware or software does not support soft-subs as a separate stream in for instance an mkv file. Most modern streaming devices will handle plain text and PGS image subtitles in my experience. Try instead to set the default and forced flags if you want subtitles to be on by default.

  • They have higher energy than we do. I hope we can simply agree to disagree on their points where they engage in tailism, ultra-ism, and other various forms of liberalism and counter-revolutionary thought. Though these points are few, I am a stickler on some of them and I may have to have a near-cry moment if they come in and take over entirely. Hexbear/chapo is something best done in limited doses. Whereas this place is very chill and cool and I feel very safe here with all my good comrades (and friendly federal agents pretending to be comrades, lest I leave them out), they can be chaotic, unhinged, wild. Not always a bad thing but I need a space to turn it off.

  • torrentleech dot org has just opened their doors with an invite code on their homepage for a “very limited time”.

    If you are interested in dipping your toes into private trackers TL is pretty good in terms of amount of content. I will warn you though that because they open their doors frequently it’s known that they are not entirely free of copyright trolls so use a VPN or a seedbox. Please be sure to read the rules after you sign up and before you grab anything. Focus on newly released, popular freeleech files first to build ratio and buffer before trying to download anything that isn’t freeleech.

  • This is so sad and bad. This was the one site that had built-in mediainfo for all uploads. You could tell at a glance what was garbage and what wasn’t with a fair degree of certainty. They also were as a result an informal chapters database for movies (plex still maintains a chapters db but they closed it to new submissions in like 2015/2016 or so, so rarbg had chapters for newer movies if the release you got didn’t include them).

    They were also not only an incredible source of scene releases but also last resort stuff. There are incredibly rare movies, tv shows that they had their budget-sized encodes of (better than yify/yts which is just intolerably bad looking) which were seeded which you couldn’t find elsewhere outside of very elite private trackers. If you wanted full season packs of some old not so popular TV show from decades ago, rarbg was the only place you could find it (eztv has some stuff but nowhere near as much and I dislike them for the way they pollute and spam api searches in qbittorrent by returning irrelevant random results when there are no real hits on their site when using movie searaching).

    By comparison 1337x is at least a tenth if not a hundredth the size in terms of meaningful content (lots of garbage by bad encoders, encoders who I don’t trust not to insert a big burned in “encoded by asshole<name>, visit my spam and malware friends at totallysafesite dot ua”). With rarbg you could count on having subtitles available 99% of the time. You could count on reasonably well done encodes without visible artifacting except upon frame-by-frame analysis. You could count on direct scene releases from known groups as well as their own. They had amiable stuff, NTB webrips, sparks, many others. It was all curated. You wouldn’t find bad encodes or encodes with text spam in them there.

    Now, for a lot of things the only option left on only lower tier (/r/opensignups stuff) private trackers is downloading full BD rips and remuxes and re-encoding at enormous expense of time, cpu cycles, heat, etc. For TV shows this is quite an ask as a season alone could easily be over a hundred GB, a full show (and private trackers usually have rules that mean you either have to download the whole thing and seed for a week or seed forever in a vain hope of reaching 1:1 on a partial) could be a terabyte.

    Regarding alternatives:

    piratebay is pretty much useless for anything but ancient collection torrents IMO. I mean sure people upload stuff but it seems to only be stuff that’s already been uploaded in better places previously. That plus the lack of vetting, malware torrents for software. Generally seems recommended against in most of the piracy scene for anything but last resort. You won’t find good scene releases there or good stuff from quality release groups (unless someone uploaded it as a one-off), won’t find scene stuff with any frequency, there are no native release groups there of any notable quality that I’m aware of.

    torrents-csv.ml though an incredible project is just a mirror. No new torrents can be uploaded there. And it doesn’t contain a place for comments or media info (you have to actually open the magnet link or torrent to see the files and download them for mediainfo running against them). So while that’s useful and I’m definitely thankful to the person behind it as in moments like this it’s invaluable, it also has severe limits and if other sites collapsed it would be no replacement.

    I’d say the last standing truly good public sites with any variety are 1337x dot to and rutracker dot org. Admittedly rutracker is semi-private but anyone can get the magnet links without signup and you can sign up easily enough not knowing Russian using translation tools. (Use jackett with a rutracker account so you never have to log in and deal with reading around in russian to actually get content)

    1337x’s content is also mirrored or re-uploaded on limetorrents (website looks odd, kind of sucks), kickasstorrents (just people leaching off the name sadly but a nice mirror and tracker announcer at least), torlock (no idea, website not as nice as leetx).

    However leetx has frequent outages, frequently doesn’t even respond to api queries via jackett and with the death of UTR years ago has only one major release group (QxR) left along with a few dedicated quality releasers who release stuff on a very small scale and infrequently. Additionally it has no requirements for mediainfo which means you have no idea what you’re getting with many of the uploaders. Maybe it’s some crappy encode with italian and no english track. Maybe it lacks subtitles.

    And QxR doesn’t do releases of TV shows except when the season is up and they only do a small number of those compared to the amount of new content produced, a totally inadequate replacement (1/1000th of rarbg TV content easily). I know that for example rips of streaming shows, the latest episodes always hit rarbg first. I’m not even convinced that the uploads on other sites like leetx weren’t just people downloading those then re-uploading or at least using them as a source, quickly re-encoding at crap quality and then uploading.

    This all said, if you’re reeling from this, do look into entry private trackers /r/opensignups. You will have to wait a while. Most trackers do open up around Christmas/New Years, TL just had an invite give-away for spring which expired (though with rarbg vanishing they may do some sign-ups soon, hard to say). You do need to check daily or every other day as slots can fill up quickly and sometimes openings are only 48 hours. Beware private trackers have rules and it is very easy to get banned if you do not thoroughly read and understand them. If you don’t have a machine that can seed for 12 out of 24 hours a day or more and can’t buy a seedbox you probably won’t be able to stay on most of them.