• 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023


  • by available i meant available. it’s on a per channel/group basis and not on individual messages but essentially you can’t join or view their messages even if you have their id and even if someone forwards it to you it displays a “this message is nor available on clients downloaded from google play” error message or something similar. if you joined a channel prior and it get blocked from your client you stay in but can’t view its messages.

  • telegram has different visibility based on which client you are using and your phone number’s region. I’ve seen it firsthand how some channels are not available on telegram downloaded from app store vs direct apk download. unless if you mean in spirit they’re basically the same which i agree but everyone that has used telegram at all knows that telegram values being accessible more than free speech and privacy.

  • it’s basically giving out a sample for free so you can hook them on DLC, so no thanks ill just shiver me timbers to satisfy my map painting needs.

    but for real fuck paradox their entire financial strategy now is to release overpriced dlcs on the regular until map addicts decide that getting that damned subscription is better than spending hundreds of dollars on dlcs.

  • i don’t like competitive games in general and MOBAs seem to be consumed by it because the gameplay is often not engaging without the competitive aspect of it like ranking and experimenting with different metas. at least there’s a place for casual RTS but i don’t know anybody that plays MOBAs casually, even goofy side mods quickly become this whole ranked thing. casual RTS though is a blast i’ve had more fun rushing people with assassins in stronghold crusader than anything else.

  • well nice job ignoring literally everything else i said but alright. my rule of thumb for comparing my purchasing power vs an american is to multiply the product’s value by 15. so you tell me that you wouldn’t feel annoyed if you had to pay 375$/year (ignoring the increased data cap costs that comes with using a VPN of course) for a service that might get blocked at any moment? never mind the scammers that are absolutely littered everywhere.

    and the regions that are not supported by PSN probably don’t have regional pricing in steam as well, so we also have to pay that fuck you fee if we want to buy our games legit, unless of course you are willing to risk a ban (which actually isn’t that unlikely) in order to region hop, or get a CD key that was most likely bought with stolen gift card money of scam victims. and steam recently has been cracking down on both region hopping and the price disparity seen between different regions.

    yes it’s not the most earth shattering issue on the planet, but at least we get to complain about it online right?