• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • dQw4w9WgXcQ@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzpluto
    1 month ago

    Sure, people have taken the matter way too personal. That’s mostly people who have a nostalgic relationship to their childhood classes about “the 9 planets”.

    As I’ve read, they made the definition in the particular way to remove gray areas of inaccurate meassurements. A celestial body shouldn’t be wrongly classified due to being a few kilometres larger than some limit, then be reclassified later due to better meassurements. Planets need to be somewhat spherical, orbit a star and clear their orbit from significant debris. They made a great system which doesn’t leave big gray areas. A planet is defined in a well thought out way by people way smarter than me.

    And then they go and call the non-planets “dwarf planets”.

  • dQw4w9WgXcQ@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzpluto
    1 month ago

    The “big” deal is that a ton of celestial bodies of comparable size to pluto would have to be considered either as planets or as general debris. Finding a clear definition which would include pluto as a planet and not include other stuff would be very impractical and possibly nearly impossible.

    But the biggest fuck up was to name a non-planet a “dwarf planet”.

  • For me, it’s several things:

    As others have mentioned, sound mixing sucks on a lot of newer movies. Watching a movie with a pleasant max volume could render dialogue inaudible. Holy crap, that last batman movie was hard to watch.

    While I watch movies, there are often a lot of things happening around me. The dog might be playing around, my girlfriend is having a phone conversation or there are noises from the kitchen. I am not great at mentally filtering out sounds, so subtitles help a lot.

    I live in a country where subtitles have been around my whole life. Now that TV is on-demand rather than linear TV with hardcoded subs, most services enable subs by default, and it doesn’t really bother me.

  • My assumption is that it would be popular. So popular that the library would decide on sell a little snacks, sandwiches and soft drinks to earn a little money. And as the sale opens, they would realize that they get a lot higher profit on alcoholic drinks. And since they are selling alcoholic drinks, it’s unresponsible to have them in the same area as the daily area with books and study groups. Then they open a new section, maybe in a new location. And to save money on labour, they drop the non alcoholic products.

    Of course this is taking it a bit far, but my point is that such a service has incremental steps, where each step would likely give higher profit until it is just a pub.