• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I agree with a lot of this sentiment. My goal is to try to “be the change I want to see in the world”.

    So I occasionally challenge the dumb group think I see on here. Sometimes it well received but not always.

    One thing Ive noticed is how reactionary and un-nuanced a lot of posts are. I guess it makes sense since a majority of the users here self-selected to leave a site in protest. There is a bias towards being “reactionary”.

    But the vibe feels off on Lemmy and I can’t put my finger on exactly why, but I certainly don’t feel like a lot of my people are here. Don’t get me wrong, I love hearing different opinions and viewpoints but the way a lot of them are presented here feel very “well ackshually!” or sanctimonious. It’s less like that on mastodon, but still there. Maybe less “fun” and hearted. It’s almost too serious, but even the less serious stuff isn’t as fun/funny.

    Hacker news feels better. Almost reminds me of old school reddit or even forums.

    I think the fediverse and Lemmy would have been better if it was designed where each “subreddit”/channel was an instance. Basically federate the small communities but don’t make a bunch of small “reddits” where it’s fragmented and watered down.

    There could be hubs with curated channels or apps that let you curate channels but each channel is effectively independent.

    Anyway, I don’t know that that would even fix the vibe problem with the fediverse but I think it would help communities grow, evolve, and mature better.

  • I don’t watch much TV anymore. Actually I’ve probably watched less than an hour of actual TV this year.

    Watching that clip of Noem was shocking. She says nothing. Answers nothing. When she is obviously backed in a corner she says she “doesn’t answer hypotheticals” and starts talking about an open border. Obviously South Dakota a land locked, non-border state is very concerned about this.

    The reporter did okay, but she should have pressed even harder to push back against all of the lies. But the whole questioning around the jurors and if she would have decided the same way (after already getting her to basically say the jurors decided correctly with the information they had) she even accidentally admitted the evidence was overwhelmingly lop sided because uh…of course it was.

    Anyway, that was brilliant from the host.

  • MacOS.

    It’s the middle ground between windows and Linux imo.

    It’s unix-y enough to give you tons of flexibility with the terminal. Homebrew is one of the better package management systems out there. Iterm2 is the best terminal emulator I’ve used.

    You get access to most popular software still and the hardware is unmatched.

    It’s more expensive and less flexible in terms of OS customization though and you basically can’t game on it. I think there are some good tiling window managers for it though.

  • The article doesn’t do a great job of explaining why. It almost seems intentional imo.

    “Fiber optic cables are used to provide necessary communications to substations and other vital equipment, helping to modernize grid operations and improve outage response. This real-time visibility and control are essential for integrating renewable energy sources into the grid, as they allow for better management and coordination of these resources.”

    “important for ensuring that the generated solar power can be efficiently and safely integrated into the broader electrical grid, complying with industry standards and maintaining system stability” from the dominion energy website. So take that for what you will.

    It sounds like they use fiber for controlling grid ops and they don’t think that what Hawaii and New York are doing has been robustly tested.

    And in the case of Hawaii, I don’t know that I’d use them as a benchmark for something like this. Their grid(s) aren’t connected to each other (each island is separate) so they are much smaller. They probably don’t even have the same level of grid mgmt needs that Virginia does.

    That said, $150-250k for laying fiber seems high but that’s not really my area of expertise. Maybe that’s reasonable.

  • It’d really be great if journalists even attempted “educating” readers or providing meaningful context. But then again, would it get this kind of traction?

    The interesting story here is that interest rates are raised to SLOW spending and encourage saving. The interest rates spiked to CURB inflation. It has worked, despite most journalists seeming keenness for it not to, for the most part. If consumers and businesses reduce their spending due to higher costs of borrowing, this will bring down prices over time, aligning with the Fed’s inflation targets.

    No one explains this to the average person, ever. Ironically, the story here should be consumers are spending money even when saving it should be incentivized because they can’t afford not to… because of profiteering by large companies, grocery chains, etc as well as stagnate wages for the past few decades. This means that inflation will creep up faster than it should because of demand-driven inflation. This makes the problem worse for low-income earners.

    It seems to me that THAT type of inflation might require less of an “interest rate adjustment fix”, and more of a wage adjustment fix. Even potentially a regulatory fix to go after price gougers.

  • Lemmy is gonna lemmy.

    There isn’t any evidence that they used her voice for the “Sky” voice model. Actually, there is evidence that they paid a voice actress to model that specific actress’s voice.

    That actress sounds similar to Scarlett, but it isn’t Scarlett’s voice. Is that illegal? No. Is it grounds for a suit? maybe. Will Scarlett win? Maybe.

    Let’s put it another way. If you wanted to record an audio book, but you wanted the voice actor to have certain qualities that you think would help your book sell. You think Scarlett has all of those qualities, so you ask her if she would record it for you. She declines.

    Well shit, that sucks. But wait! She’s not the only person with those vocal qualities. I am sure you can find someone else with very similar qualities. So you hire another voice actress that has all of those–which coincidentally and very understandable sounds a lot like Scarlett. But it isn’t Scarlett.

    Everyone wants to say “big corp bad!” here, but if they truly didn’t use Scarlett’s voice and didn’t do any sort of manipulation to make it sound more like Scarlett, then why CANT they do it. I get that Scarlett is upset, but she’s basically mad that someone sounds like her–and decided to work for OpenAI.

    If I wanted James Earl Jones to read my eulogy, but he isn’t available or is unwilling. Why couldn’t I get someone to sound like him to read it? Why should he be able to sue me for using a voice actor that sounds similar to him?

  • This doesn’t look like his house, but he defended it so it must be.

    He lives up the road from me (I only found out when roe got fucked and a swat team and 3 dozen police were camped out in front of his house).

    That said, his excuse could be somewhat valid. People can get dumb with their yard signs up here. The MAGA crowd are a very small minority up here and most people aren’t shy about “counter signage” (eg BLM, pride flags, Biden signs).

    If his wife was butthurt about signs hurting her feelings, maybe she did this in protest.

    Also, and I hate that I’m defending this piece of shit, but flipping a flag upside down isn’t a “stop the steal” specific sign of protest. People do it for all sorts of reasons.

    I’m not willing to “give” them this symbol/protest.