commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 17th, 2022


  • Much more useful, and with the same basic “gamification” strategies are just Anki flashcards. Even the Anki flashcards for the Duolingo will be more effective than the duolingo, because Duolingo is materially incentivized to throw all sorts of difficulties to progression in front of you.

    My method, generally, for language learning is having a grammar book and flashcards (with sound if you can, otherwise listening will go to shit) for vocab and doing both. The flashcards take me 40 minutes a day for intense study (writing my answers first to practice spelling/writing other scripts) and 20 minutes if I just speak out loud. Same amount of time as Duolingo and about 10x as effective

  • Eh I got it recommended by a comrade who seemed knowledgable about it, but I kinda regret it. It’s expensive and, even if the parts are replaceable, the phone is slow and underperforming enough that it’ll still just need replaced within 5 years due to software requirements from everything around it.

    Literally cheaper and just as little (or less) impact in continuously buying used flagship phones from 4 years ago.

    That comrade is a bit of a lib so I should’ve seen it coming. Of course I’m a lib so I didn’t.

  • I’m going to rant here, so it’s not aimed at you specifically but it’s something I need to vent here.

    I saw that video, after seeing many others some of which I didn’t want to see and some of which I searched for for confirmation. Today, seeing that one, I realized I’ve experienced a sort of desensitization. I didn’t feel ill, I didn’t feel particularly disgusted at the image (did feel disgusted that people are doing and supporting this, of course), I mostly felt anger. Idk if that is desensitization or something else, but I just am constantly unbelievably angry at what has happened and can’t feel much else when seeing these images.

    I used to describe to libs and non-Marxist leftists :same thing: how I felt about seeing unhoused people on the streets. People would mention how I was visibly angry when walking by someone, and I would always bring up that I’m constantly so angry about these people being unhoused in wealthy countries, and am upset that there’s no way to fix it without much bigger changes than they want to comprehend, and I try to channel this anger into energy to read about how to fix this, strategize, organize, work for a better world, etc.

    I don’t necessarily think this is good mentally or morally, especially when projected onto the suffering of Palestinians now. I feel like I’m so upset that it builds to be unbearable in its form and I can’t deal with it as it is anymore, but can only try to become more energized and focused from it. Maybe it’s dialectics like that.

  • Late to the party but I learned about skibidi when babysitting for my neighbor. She is from Afghanistan and speaks little English or the local language, but we get by. Her son, though, spoke the local language well at 4 and was trying, in 4 year old language, to tell me what skibidi was without mentioning YouTube, because the distinction of YouTube film and representing something real was not clear yet in his child brain.

    The sound effects he used were so hilarious and confusing. If I can remember right he said "it’s this monster head that comes out of the [ground] and goes ‘bwaaaam’ ". Think of Sound effects for Interstellar lol.

    I genuinely thought for a bit that this was some folklore from Afghanistan that I’d never heard of til I tried to ask his mom wtf he was talking about and she was confused but mentioned it possibly being something about a toilet and we looked it up hahahah

    In any case, Marg bar amriika