• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • cobra89@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlts moment
    1 day ago

    Lol wut, they never claimed servers were independently controlled. Maybe you just didn’t look into what you were signing up for.

    When you go use different servers on Minecraft realms are you under any impression those are not controlled by Microsoft?

    When you choose a different server on World of Warcraft do you think it’s a non-blizzard server?..

    Like just because you put yourself into a state of bad false assumptions didn’t mean they tried to trick you. People have been saying this about discord from the beginning you just never cared to look.

    Did you actually think this or are you just inventing a person in your mind that this has happened to? Lol

  • All the article says about their parents is:

    Stan’s 84-year-old parents, Don and Shirley Ledgerwood, have watched oil companies drill multiple wells on their farm, where the family had grown crops and run cattle. The family received small royalty payments from the oil production.

    Which still does not say that their parents let them. They received the royalty payments I’m assuming because the law about mineral rights requires the drillers to pay the land owners.

    Nowhere in this article does it say they ever gave them permission. From what I understand their parents did not sell the mineral rights.

    Can you please cite where it says or implies otherwise?

  • (U.S. specific rant incoming)

    As long as they actually advocate for queer rights and don’t vote for politicians who do everything in their power suppress and restrict those rights.

    The issue is many religious people value their religious “principles” more than they do voting for someone who would not repress the queer community.

    So at the end of the day it feels very two-faced to me. While they may be nice to your face they have no problem voting for people who would condemn you to hell and treat you like animals because their single issue voting tendencies are ingrained.

  • cobra89@beehaw.orgtoScience Memes@mander.xyzAliens
    14 days ago

    Now I’m really disappointed because their Wikipedia article basically doesn’t even mention their nose. Just that there’s some markings on the nose and people used to wrongly believe they drank through their noses.

    Edit: also for those wondering, it’s a type of antelope.