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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023

  • I was resistant to ending my use of reddit, but now they have nerfed the mobile site so bad I can’t even login anymore so I’ve stopped trying. I still peruse it on my PC at least once daily but I think that the moment RES finally stops working will spell the end of that.

    As for Facebook. I mostly keep it around for an easy connection to family and friend and a few meme groups that amuse me. But again, only like once a day do I check in ion that site.

    Edit: I should mention that I have never and will never use either of those website’s apps.

  • There’s a viral meme whereby women are put to the question of “if you were trapped in the woods would you rather be trapped with man or trapped with a bear?” Because a bear is always dangerous whereas men can only occasionally be a dangerous (and possibly something about a man being able to fight off a bear, depending on the source). It’s a dumb hypothetical made up by dumb people to try to redeem toxic masculinity.

  • Also true. But we must consider the fact that when the show was airing, though I’m sure non-binary people certainly must have existed at the time, non-binary was not something that was part of the mainstream consciousness. So would not have been acceptable in a kids show. And though I’m not sure it would even be acceptable in today’s day and age by most mainstream standards, it’s more acceptable now than it was 30 years ago.

    On top of that it’s very likely that most real people at that time who would likely identify as non-binary would not have identified themselves as such and would have chosen a he/she pronoun of some sort to identify themselves in order to conform to the social standard of that time.

  • The last panel should be the second and third panels and the second and third panel should be 4th and maybe a fifth. I don’t even know if that’s necessary but you get the picture. It should be a bit of a “oh yeah okay, that’s why” when you look at the person who’s on the switch.

    The way things are ordered now when you get the last panel it’s more like a “hurr durr, I guess capitalism suck” than a “of course it’s fucking capitalism!!”