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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023

  • Sims 3 tried to approximate that, though in reality Sims that you couldn’t see around at the moment had a very simple alternate simulation instead of the full sim for those you were watching.

    The illusion mostly worked and you technically had a full seamless small town you could visit and interact directly with.

    Sims 3 was also an unstable nightmare, but it was made for what is now 15-year-old hardware and, I assume, held together with shoestrings.

    They got rid of the seamless part in 4, instead splitting the world in tiny groups of a couple buildings each, meaning even EA probably thought the open town was too much trouble. Too bad because the separate blocks are a lot more boring too… Like most of the Sims 4 really.

  • Sure it’s profitable, but it’s also (correctly) seen as a manipulative, and some companies have stopped using those.

    As I said Nintendo and Xbox store used to do that, but they transitioned to prices in real money quite some time ago, and if they got a wallet, they let you fill it with the exact amount of what you’re buying. Same with PS store, most PC game stores, even freaking playdate catalogue and itch.io where the average payment must be like $3.

    I expect that from shitty mobile games, because I know mobile gaming monetization is fucked forever, but I didn’t know major publishers still used that garbage unemptiable wallet strategy.

  • It would absolutely be a privacy concern if someone without the rights to access this data could access it from the computer.

    My understanding is that it’s the same account logged on both devices. Computers are multi-users devices. No technology ever would protect your secret stuff from someone you’ve just shared your personal account with.

    It’s a problem that deletion is not perfectly synchronized, yes. It certainly is a privacy risk because an unauthorized intruder could find them. But in this particular case, there’s no intrusion. The wife just had normal access to these messages in the first place.

  • brsrklf@jlai.lutoFrance@jlai.luJE VOTE
    5 days ago

    J’aime pas beaucoup les têtes de LFI (le plus gros handicap qu’ils traînent depuis toujours), mais la candidate par chez moi est bien, et pour des législatives, c’est le principal.

    Si ça peut faire fuir la honte du PAF en plus…