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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • 100% it’s crazy. I mined 1 btc in 2008(?) on a 9800gx2 over a bit longer than winter in Australia, and I’ve left it in a wallet and watching it flap up and down in value. This announcement was basically “crypto is up so we have enough again”. I mean selling what they must have will crash the market again surely. Or the repayment is over 36 months as they slow sell, but then they risk the value again going down.

    Don’t do crypto kids, it’s a game for traders with an appeal to people who want to self host, self sufficient, disconnected from big banks, and all that, but it was corrupted by financially motivated assholes. Therefore it became an investment/wealth vehicle and received the attention of the most morally bankrupt, manipulative people.

    Trust is what any currency that has no intrinsic valueis built on. Crypto can’t have that when the fraction of good to bad actors is skewed so heavily.

  • Yeah since I learned on Windows servers for 20 years, I’m struggling on permissions and groups in Linux in general.

    In Windows it’s as easy as enabling ‘children inherit parent’ and then the users can go and create whatever and if they can write, they’ll write it with inherited from the parent permissions. If you change a folder deeper, you can unlink inheritance from the parent and then it could also optionally be the new parent for all children permissions.

    I tried a couple of times to do this in Linux and I’ve always struggled due to my own lack of knowledge and understanding. I feel reading it I keep coming to the wrong conclusion too perhaps based on my experience and bias in reading it.

    Anyway I know it’s not helpful but I feel the struggle.

  • My oat milk gymnastics:

    • Shamefully ask for oat milk
    • Nobody cares but I feel weak for being unable to handle standard milk any more
    • Why can’t I have soy? It tastes bad but it’s more common
    • Wonder if the people behind me are judging me for asking for long winded flat white
    • Wonder if I’m holding up other people’s orders because the barista has to clean out the milk jug to clean it between milk and oat juice
    • taste it and then go “I guess it’s not so bad”
    • small relief knowing it probably can’t be off unlike the few times I’ve had sour milk
    • coffee still makes me go to the bathroom, just less violently

  • AGPS probably does work though for location. Many work laptops have sim cards for 5g, and that means connectivity permanence and assisted gps from cell tower triangulation.

    However I know from testing things like m365 login just accepts the ip location of vpn endpoint.

    My advice is it depends: and it mostly depends on the effort of the sysadmin and the level of logs they look into. The timing of the log from your vpn connection and your location. If they own the networks you did connect to, those networks will know where you are.

    Use your personal device for personal things. End of story.