Proud to be mauled by a bear

  • 4 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • No disagreement at all, but I genuinely think something like this is at least worth consideration. In low traffic or rural areas having a “cab” on standby would come at worst with no downsides as long as it doesn’t conflict with normal tram traffic.

    At best it would be the best selling point to populations that have become accustom to personal vehicles. Be it for privacy, safety, poor time management, or whatever other reasons. Its also technically a monorail bahn

    E: Also this one could’ve been just fine being its own cab, or we could also include the GYROSCOPE because everyone likes monorails with gyroscopes!

  • Took me a minute to fully parse, I’ll try to explain

    Each edge of the triangle is 0-100% of each mode, thus the center is 33% of each mode because of the skew in the ‘grid’.

    Then the thickness/color represents the population, the data just happens to work that there’s a strong correlation between population and change in modal percent, making the constant gradients.