• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Drone operators aren’t getting shot at.

    Yes, but they work at the same base as the guys that would be.

    We’re on the same page, but I don’t think the way the US is and how the military is structured, that either the president or any local commanders would ever be persecuted for civilian deaths. We disagree on what accountability means probably.

  • He’s not getting shot at lol of course he’s more Impartial.

    US politicians would commit career suicide if they suggested no drone use, because it would mean soldiers get shot.

    If the option you want picked is neither drones or boots, how do you suggest the USA divest themselves from wars in foreign countries? If the first black president came out as a pacifist they would have to level every single grassy knoll in the country.

    Putin already kills indiscriminately, that’s not really relevant.

  • A single point of oversight, divorced from the operation is not better than multiple, who have the incentive to use this tool, despite the constant civilian casualties, because the alternative is the risk of casualties from the boots on the ground they command directly…?

    Not an improvement? Do you have any criteria for good/bad here?