• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • azimir@lemmy.mltoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlWeird
    6 days ago

    The concrete anchors are often ones you tap in first with the hammer to first set them into place. Then, you crank the bolt down, which drives out the anchor into the surrounding material. The hammer is just to get it started and fully down the bore hole.

    You might also use it to align the pylon. It’s easier to tap the base gently to move it a few cm into place over the holes than to pick the whole pylon up and down while aligning it.

  • Have groups of quadcopters/does fly down streets over cars stuck at stoplights and show ads and/or play ads at them.

    You could wait for the light to go red, then form up in a wall over the crosswalk to show the drivers waiting down the street your ad. They’re just going to be looking at the stoplight anyway, so that’s free eyeball time, right?

  • I used WSL for a job and it worked fine. It’s kind of a weird VM that doesn’t really integrate with the host OS fully, but it works for many use cases.

    Git BASH has more direct system integration and hardware access than WSL, though it’s been a couple of years since I had to look at WSL at all. Hopefully they’ve improved the integration over time.

  • He was obviously so excited to be near the peaceful process of reading out the Electoral votes that when the large group of tourists blocked his way that he just couldn’t help himself so he decided to go through the window to jump the line and get into the Rotunda first. It’s clearly a case of over enthusiasm for the smooth and boring operation of the Republic.

    He also wasn’t soliciting a minor of anything nefarious, your honor! No, he was just reaching out to teach them about why our structure of three branches of government have demonstrated a wisdom in government design that’s a wonder of the world!

    He was also just holding the metal whip for a friend. He though the bear spray was deodorant and since people had been working so hard to ensure the large group of tourists at the Capitol had a good time he thought he was doing the police a favor by making them smell nicer.
