axont [she/her, comrade/them]

A terrible smelly person

  • 12 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2020


  • I really respect the area of Kerala and its commitment to their public. Very robust educational system, healthcare, and a focus on access to clean water. That’s just from stuff I’ve seen and read though, I’ve never been to India, I’m American.

    I hope the best for India’s future, but it seems worrying from what I hear. I would hope for greater collaboration with China and an easing of tensions with Pakistan. India is a massively diverse place though, with multiple languages and even multiple writing scripts, so sometimes it’s amazing it’s a functional country at all.

    Most of what I hear though is about India dominated by very right wing movements, but there’s a strong history of Indian working class movements as well. I’ll try to be optimistic about the future. Also as an American I am fully aware of my country’s horrifying exploitation of the Indian people. The Union Carbide disaster is still the worst industrial accident in history and its impact should never be forgotten

  • The interview I saw about him was more like he doesn’t feel any emotions outside of making money. Like he gets bored or twitchy if he’s not doing something connected to making videos or generating revenue.

    Inhuman, soulless husk. Meat puppet generated by capital to do its bidding. Marx was correct when he said the bourgeoisie are more of slaves to capital than the workers are. People like Mr. Beast are barely even conscious entities anymore.