autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]

A real autism! He/him bisexual man that might be a demiboy but probably not. I like media. Extraordinarily DILF.

  • 355 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2020


  • I largely agree but my only hesitation is ive seen lots of examples lately on the shitty bird app of trans women and other femme presenting people being accused of “self-fetishizing” and thereby damaging the rest of the community for totally innocuous things. Or for posting sexy selfies or for being sex workers.

    Things like PhilosphyTube posting an old screenshot of her character from some video game in some vaguely fetishistic costume and saying she should have known at the time she was trans, and people shitting on her until she deleted it because that was apparently like playing into stereotypes and shit.

    That… uh… that bothers me that people will shit on innocuous forms of self expression and self exploration like that.

  • OK I need to rant about this on several levels. First of all, Supergiant’s design for Hestia makes perfect sense lmao. Her being a matronly character makes sense for her role in the patheon. Having her be a big booby awooga teen girl is completly nonsensical lmao. So that only makes sense.

    like of courser I realize these idiots are just mad that she’s dark skinned and not attractive, but it doesnt even MAKE SENSE.

    Second of all, when people brought up the following APhrodite design (cw: horny as hell, only not a nude because of hair in front of tits)

    The response from the weirdo gamergate chuds is that she’s “safe horny”

    HOW??? OK. She’s LITERALLY naked. She has hair in front of her tits but she’s not wearing clothes lmao. There’s nothing “safe” about this.

    And then I realized. Something I already knew but was now proven, “safe horny” means “the character is obviously an adult with no room for interpretation”

    Fucking disgusting.

    Like personally my brain interprets anime girls that look plausibly underage to some as being 18-21 young adults. (Even if they’re canonically not). Just how my brain functions. That Hestia design above does not read underage to me. However. I am aware that she DOES read underage to most of these freaks and that they think thats a good thing. “Unsafe horny” means “can be interpreted as a 16 year old” to these fucking freak ass motherfuckers. Fuck. Im so mad and grossed out I hate them.