алсааас [she/they]


ur local depressed transfem, mostly here to liquidate years of piled up meme-reserves

also on mastodon

  • 68 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • “You know what would be really interesting to do? Don’t denounce me as a Stalinist but, for example – it’s my old temptation – to rewrote Star Wars… presenting Palpatine and Darth Vader as good progressive egalitarian centralist fighting reactionary feudalist, all the Jedi bullshit. It would tell a completely different story, from the others point. What do they [Jedi] stand for? All that, ‘Republic’, what strange of Republic is when you have a Princess Leila, knights, kings and so on? No, Palpatine the Emperor and Darth Vader, they are - my god - progressive Bonapartist revolutionaries trying to get rid of the old world.”

    From: Žižek on Reshooting Star Wars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_DroaGggbc

    But tbh I think that if we take the original trilogy, the Rebels are cleary fighting a reactionary imperialist power, ie. an analogy to the Vietnam war

  • Geht das nicht einfach hierrüber, indem man das Symbol ausgraut?

    scratch that, habe genau das gleiche Problem :)) Laut Öffi kann man nicht mit Regionalzügen nach Köln (von meinem Standort aus zumindest)

    Das tolle an Öffie ist ja, dass man sich an demE ntwicklungsprozess selbst beteiligen, d.h. Bugs melden, Features anfragen oder direkt mit programmieren kann. Freie Software ist toll uwu

  • The USA has a two faced one party system. Two sides of the same coin or “good cop/bad cop” if you will.

    Both parties serve the rich, support imperialism and so on. In terms of economics they have the exact same function of serving the 10% over the 90%.

    In terms of domestic affairs the good/bad cop dynamic really kicks in. The reps are ultraconservative, while the dems try to mud the waters with their slight progressiveness, in the end only coopting those things as not to endanger capitalism.

    The best you will get from the dems is a
    “I’ll try to not make things worse - for now. Vote for me or my buddy elephant over there will beat you up”.
    (the not making things worse refers to their social policy, not their economic ones. Those will still get progressively worse for the working majority, even if it might be a bit more indirect. All the dems really are is a silken glove over the iron fist of capital).

    And tbh, for everyone outside of the US it doesn’t make a difference whether the bombs the policeman of the world drops wherever they please & the bags of money they send to genociders/reactionaries/fascists/terrorists have prideflag & BLM stickers on them, or not…