• 9 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • […] and player safety wasn’t a part of the pregame discussion

    I think you hit the nail in the head here. The pregame safety discussion is the key part. That’s what primes everyone to engage without judgement when they feel uncomfortable.

    And all the safety tools seem to focus too much on how this is achieved, when the focus should be in the prep. What does a traffic light card achieves that lines and veils can’t do better? A GM can easily miss a tap on a card when they are trying to improv on the spot while moving the narrative forward. It’s much harder to miss a verbal request.

  • You get one level at the get go because everything is in a function. So just two levels of indentation? A pretty basic if… for…if nesting has to be refactored? Into what? Goto? Should I sprinkle return statements all over the place?

    Y’all gotta understand that Linus is often kind of an ass.