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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2019


  • I used it–it was the first book I worked with. I still like it quite a lot and I often think about his guidance as I learn from my own meditation, or in the context of other readings I’ve done. For me, as a nerd (previously) pretty averse to religion, I found his nuts and bolts instruction really useful and free of “woo woo” entanglement which might have turned me off at the beginning.

    For newcomers, his teaching is perhaps not the norm in that it sets beginners up to practice concentration, or Samatha meditation. It seems like insight/Vipassana practice might be more common for newbies. I’m not sure how much it matters that much, tbh. For me, just learning to sit and explore my reactions to sitting took plenty of time before the distinction between concentration and insight even meant anything to me.

  • I’ve been trying helix and the built in LSP integration is excellent. Out of the box it’s capable of a lot when paired up with a good language server. The equivalent LSP integration on neovim takes some fat plugins.

    I will say helix seems immature in a few areas. I noticed it’s missing tab layouts present in vim. Also might it not be impossible to resize splits? There’s also no linewise selection mode.

    Helix out of the boz is close to my 15 years of accumulated vim config, but it seems like it’s not quite there yet.