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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Electricity always needs somewhere to go. Generally you can refer to where it goes, as a “Ground” I said “This is extremely simplified” for a reason.

    I don’t actually understand what you’re trying to say, all I was saying is that Electricity is indeed going to take all possible paths, until it finds the one with the least resistance, which is what I believe you said just in a different way. You are a part of that circuit for a very miniscule, brief second, upon adding yourself (touch).

  • I thought it was Asiimovs books, but apparently not. Which one had the 3 fundamental rules lead to the solution basically being: “Humans can not truly be safe unless they’re extinct” or something along those lines… Been a long time since I’ve explored the subjects.

  • ZoottoHelldivers 2@lemmy.caThree bugged missions
    7 days ago

    He’s saying there could be a hidden mechanic behind it, while I agree with you that it’s annoying af, it could be a fun added urgency. If it didn’t appear so much like a bug, and the game actually made you aware thats what it was trying to do.