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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Nah man, there would be some form of cultural disdain for types of tails. It would become another form of racism. Got your culture, looks, skin color, etc and at the end “tail type”. There would be whole sociocultural wars started over tail length. People would go around hiding their tails claiming fashion forward practices to fit in.

    Politicians would claim bus seats with holes aren’t safe in order to put down the people who primarily use them. Activist groups would come out saying that pants with openings for tail comfort goes against the teachings of the Great Tailed God. Eventually there would be a change towards equality, though never justice. Beneath the false peace people would still be whispering and somehow those few with the “nicest” tails, born into fabulously-tailed families, would always have more privilege and often not understand how having a different tail can be an automatic disadvantage.

  • You won’t see many of us both side shit regarding this. It’s an attempt to genocide, pretty easy. What you will see are people, often very angry, who immediately make assumptions, claim we are genocide lovers, and refuse to listen to literally anything, including their target agreeing with them. Tbh part of me feels as if Republicans are in the comment sections trying to split hairs and widen divisions at times.

  • If you don’t want to be called out, stop arguing in bad faith and begin listening more. I’m not going to back down. Gaza is shit and Trump and his allies have been on record more than once promising to also do terrible things. We either stop Trump and continue working, or let him back into Office and have more to worry about than Ukraine and Gaza.

    I tried letting my anger out. I tried being reasonable. I tried emotionally connecting and pleading. The reality is extremely simple:

    The Genocide should be stopped.

    Trump and the GOP should be stopped.

    Not voting for Biden is helping Trump and the GOP.

    There is no making assumptions here. There is no stretching the truth. Either you recognize the importance of this stance you are determined to hold, which is the Gaza Genocide to the absolute obliteration of all reason, even that which agrees with you, or by opposing Biden’s reelection, BECAUSE of the situation we are in, you support Trump.

    I’ve already agreed with you that the Genocide is terrible. I’ve said Biden needs to do more. I am also saying that we cannot support the ending of the situation in Gaza while also ignoring the situation in within the U.S. This election will affect the world, most of our elections do. The big difference this time is the World remembers how it was when Trump was President last time and they do not want him to be in that position again. Just like they also don’t support the Genocide in Gaza.

    It’s both. Not one. I have laid it out. So get angry all you want, I don’t give a shit. My stance is clear:

    The Genocide needs to end. Biden must do more to end any support or the situation completely. Trump and the GOP must not gain the Office of the President of the United States.

    Pretty simple if you peel off your angry eyebrows for a minute. Or do you want to continue calling me names?

  • Ah now see, this is what I’m talking about. Rather than look at the story, maybe double check, recognize that there are levels and nuances that while don’t excuse anything, they at least provide some reason - instead you’re hiding behind Gaza again.

    “Genocide lovers”? Really. I’ve said that we recognize, and I know I speak for all of us who are reasonable, how absolute shit that situation is and we know Biden has not been great at handling it. We are condemning the situation and his reactions up to this point because he could be doing more.

    We just also see that we can condemn him and still vote him in because the alternative is an event that is likely to make that situation even worse, while also causing several other major fires to break out. This is the reality. We are stuck between a shitty deal and a genocide and we don’t need to draw ultimatums. This is why I remind people and push for the other option:

    Vote for Biden into a second term AND we all come together for stronger actions to stop the travesty in Gaza from continuing. Biden is already showing he’ll roll over. Not a lot yet, he IS showing it. More importantly, even when the elections weren’t around the corner he was shown to bend to public outcry. What we shouldn’t be doing is dividing ourselves. It isn’t Gaza or Trump as separate problems. Invariably it must be Gaza and Trump. They are both incredibly massive problems and we collectively have the capacity to fight on both fronts. All I’m asking is we do that. I’m tired, man, and angry, because I feel sometimes like I’m yelling for positive change into the void

    With Biden we’ll have four years to keep up the fight across all fronts. With Trump? I just feel we’ll be silenced, and that will help no one.

    The problem is I truly feel like I’m doing this alone sometimes.

  • Because the Right has dug in for years, chosen a target, and collectively did their best to cause as much damage as possible to everything they can. Even if it hurts them.

    That’s why people like me assume the worst. It feels the same. Aside from that, a lot of people who are criticizing Biden are clearly rabble-rousers, another large percentage won’t vote for Biden and on the same branch will vote for Trump. All of these people are loud. Thing is, those of us with good intentions do agree that Biden has made the wrong choice so far, even if this last shipment is being forced by the Republican-controlled House, so I hope you all realize this one isn’t on him at least. The Gaza situation is shit. We know. It’s just…we also understand that Trump will do worse. Yet every damned time we try and bring this up in much the same way you’re tired of feeling as if standing up in protest of the Genocide makes you a target, we also feel the same.

    Many of us also see the pattern. Of division. The sowing of seeds to split us apart. It happens every time and we keep paying for it.

    Man, I just want us to come together. Get Biden into Office and keep up the momentum and push. Stand firm as one for change. For Gaza and, for once, for ourselves. Trump will never listen. Maybe Biden won’t either. At least with him though we’ll have four years to try. All we have to do for the first time in so damn long is stand united.

  • I’m tired, man. People spitting on others during a pandemic, refusing to wear masks spouting bullshit. Trump doing literally nothing except sending us backward leading into it. Anti-vaccine movements pushed by the Right and accepted by idiots who can’t critically think to literally save their lives. Biden actually making some headway and not a single individual who hides behind the Gaza conflict can list three things Biden has done well. A god damn coup attempt at our Nation’s capital. An entire world begging us to not allow Trump into power.

    Just shut up. Fuck

    You and people just like you, Trump supporters all. I no longer care. Every single one and I’m calling you out. Gaza is shit. A travesty. It sucks balls. But come the fuck on. Use your brain. Open your eyes. We have a chance for a better tomorrow with Biden. The GOP have been on the actual damn record this past month alone condemning the LGBTQ+ community, calling the fucking nuking of Japan a good choice, and trying to convince everyone that removing a woman’s autonomy is a righteous act.

    This is what YOU support. Sleep well because if Trump wins I know your ass will be nowhere to be found.

  • Partially. Pedophilia is considered wrong because a child won’t understand and because the disparity in level of authority and trust, and the natural coercion that comes with it. If you squint your eyes you can even make comparisons between the laws that protect minors and laws and policies that protect workers from management.

    Physiologically these actions have a basis. Hormones exist. A sister is a woman. A young teen starts her period. There are any number of arguments that by themselves hold a small amount of merit only because they are accurate, factual statements. All of these, ANY of them, do not account how that action affects others and why, despite the majority of people having a natural inclination away from acts of pedophilia and incest, some people do the acts anyway. It is complicated to explain the nuances. Which ties even more credibility to the fact that most of us have an unspoken agreement to not do these activities. Largely not because they’re unlawful, but because we legitimately do not have the need or feel an urge or want to do them.

    That alone points at a natural phenomenon beyond just cultural influence or other pressures. Somehow, in some way, and to greater and lesser degrees: It just feels wrong.

  • I’m sure there are siblings and family members who act on these impulses. I do not feel it’s common. The most common amongst this rare situation would probably fall under actions done while under some influence, with hormones through the roof.

    What you’re likely unwittingly basing your belief on are sexual taboos. Incest isn’t a popular(arguable) category of porn because of the incest itself, it’s popular because of the taboo and excitement that comes with committing an act you shouldn’t. Someone who has these desires is not an inherently bad person. Even acting on a consensual interest isn’t a bad thing. None of this is evil or malicious. What it is to me is an act that has an underlying reason for existing. And I’d make a bet that many of the people who seriously consider incest as okay have:

    1. Convinced themselves over time

    2. Have trauma in their past that could be tied to that belief

    It’s even possible that this is in some form a Paraphilic Disorder. Whatever the reason, I urge all individuals who are victims of their own minds to seek help if they can. Most of us never realize the weights we carry until we are given permission to take that weight off.

  • I’m arguing both sides here in different comments.

    You’re right, logically it seems silly at first glance. The basis of nearly all our laws is “If harm to another, then some harm to you.” So if close relatives, a Brother and Sister in this example, were to be each other’s Prom Dates into the late evening, and no one knew they were related, do we actually hear that tree fall in that forest?

    Probably not.

    So thus they have harmed no one.

    So why?

    I think because collectively we have an innate understanding of who we are closely tied to by blood we base our laws off the majority rule. At a glance there is nothing wrong with the act. I’ll even argue it happens far more than we know, though also far from being common.

    So then it becomes a question of culture. Laws exist as paths that guide a society. Without it the very significant number of people who could do something because they have a different moral code, but don’t because they want to follow the law, would then be free to act without restriction. Besides, as I said in another reply: It is less about others in this case and more about the two doing the act and the potential to bring in a child who should never have had anything to do with it in the first place.

    Anyway, I’m interested to hear other arguments. No reason we can’t discuss either way. Though I doubt it’ll bring some great revelation.