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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • The Leftist vote is flaky. Trying to appease you is a exercise of futility.

    If timed right, the Dems might be able to hold your vote for a single election. But done too early, you’ll find some new cause to be polarized by, done too late and you’ll have already made your decision and nothing will change it.

    And by “you’ll find some new cause to be polarized by”, I mean conservatives will spoon feed you a new thing to be polarized by. It’s so damn predictable and you take the bait every time.

    But sure, keep playing stupid games with the general election. You’ll be paying with the rest of us when your stupid games hand the reigns over to the fascists. Or we’ll spend the next term trying to make things marginally better while you whine that it’s not good enough the entire time.

  • Biden was the incumbent. When he chose to run in 2024, the decision was made. You don’t just throw away that advantage. If the DNC funded an opponent, it would only divide the base.

    Case an point - just look around at Lemmy users. There are still a ton of users clinging onto the DNC boycott after the controversy of Hillary getting the 2016 nomination.

    Now is not the time to divide further. Now is the time to shut the fascists down before we lose the ability to run any opposition, charismatic or not, in 2028.

  • Yes. It’s called a political agitator.

    This user canvases lemmy threads with anti Biden and anti Dem strawman arguments completely out of context of the thread. Every thread calling out Republicans for bullshit, this user is there never acknowledging how terrible the GOP is, and going straight into anti dem whataboutism.

    Just look at the sheer number of comments this user posts daily. And search the mod logs for deleted comments on this user.

    If they’re not being paid to disenfranchise progressive voters into abstaining from this election, they should look for a sponsor because they’re working for free.

  • Fuck Elon, and to a lesser extend, Tesla and all. But this seems like yet another user error on several accounts. I thought “autopilot” was only supposed to be used on freeways. And obviously assisted by a human who should have seen a fucking parked cop car coming and intercede anyway.

    But that said, fuck Elon and his deceptive naming of a fucking primitive tech that’s really only good at staying in a lane at speed under ideal conditions.