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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • I’ve never played it on anything else so it’s hard to judge.

    Only got it a month ago, and have only beaten the basic game once so far, though I’ve made what feel to me giant bases.

    Haven’t noticed any slow down aside from when autosave is happening. Haven’t made the kind of monstrosities I’ve seen on youtube so I don’t know where the limits are.

    As someone who has wanted to play it for ages I’m having a great time with it.

    Reminds me of Kerbal Space Program on PS4, the controls are very complex for a controller, but they did a great job using multiple button shift functions to map a hell of a lot to the inputs available.

  • I used to call it the Zelda machine, but now that factorio is on Switch, I guess that isnt quite true any more.

    I go between PS4 and a switch pro control often, and it’s not that they all use the letters / symbols for different buttons, it’s that Xbox and Sony agree what button position is used for what as default, enter, back, etc.

    Nintendo breaks that symmetry, and put the enter button on A, so when I go to watch a movie on playstation I’m constantly exiting the menu because that position is O, the back button for Playstation.

  • I only recently got the game, and last night I finally built rocket silo in vanilla.

    Little did i realise how much stuff it takes to actually craft a rocket.

    So now i am in the “scrap everything else and feed the silo I want to finally finish this game” run.

    Did not learn about robots until very late in the game, and so I’m making a complete mess trying to retro fit them into my base.

    As a new player, and programmer by profession, I have to say, this game has changed the way I think and code and I absolutely love it.

    Next play through I’m going to try and build a bus, and make all my sub components in separate areas instead of zones for each science. I built myself into way too many corners and couldnt scale much.

  • I just found out last week factorio is on a system that I own. Turns out there was a major addiction missing in my life.

    As a programmer, I knew I would enjoy it. What I didn’t realise was that in just a week it would literally make me better at my job.

    I’m playing the game, and solving problems for work, I’m working, and solving problems in the game, in a huge feedback loop.

    Can a video game make you better person? I’m not sure, but if they can, this and Kerbal Space Program are the ones to do it.

  • I’ve sunk hundreds of dollars into Rocksmith 2014 on ps4 to learn to play the bass.

    The game, DLC songs, two guitars,as preamp, and cables.

    I absolutely love it, and feel I am still getting better over time.

    It so saddens me to know that one day Ubisoft will shit down the servers and a that investment will go to waste.

    From everything I’ve read Rocksmith+, their subscription model new version, just sucks in comparison to 2014, and I hate that their answer to people wanting to play games they ready own is “Well, just play the new one”.

    Loved farcry 2, 3, and 5, hated farcry 6.

    While I’ll always be able to play 2 and 3 from disc on my PS3, 5 will one day crap out as well I’m sure.

    Companies who take servers required for single player games offline should be required to either patch the game, or release the server source code.

  • I caught it very early, before the vaccine, and the only symptom I didn’t get was having such a hard time breathing as to require a hospital.

    I sat alone, at home, in my lazy boy, and suffered. Like others have said, lots of fluid and lots of sleep were the only things that helped. I can’t think of another time in my life I slept that much.

    Two of my brothers who had it both failed to recognize or acknowledge they had it, and both had bad falls, one breaking his arm, and the other requiring stitches in his scalp. Be very aware when walking around for signs of fatigue or light headedness.

  • Agreed, I started in electronics repair in the 90s, and began learning to code in 2004. 20 years and over a dozen languages later and I feel I am still learning to code.

    People say that programming jobs are going to go away because of LLMs, but I don’t see it, at least not any time soon.

    They have been trying to eliminate programmers in my primary language since before I started, and I still have steady work.

    The thought that a large number of people from non-tech backgrounds can just become proficient programmers in a reasonable amount of time is of course insane. I’ve known many very talented techs who burned out and gave up trying to learn to program.

    Something has to be done, and I don’t pretend for a moment I have any answers. I have traveled through many small towns all around the US, and the decline in the past 10 years or so is really depressing to see.

  • There are a lot of both dark themes and on screen deaths and violence, many of which are pretty graphic.

    Fallout as a franchise is well known for some pretty horrific elements, often painted over with bright colors and upbeat music, but horrific all the same.

    If Game of Thrones or The Boys were too much for you, then Fallout certianly is.

    That said, it is an absolutely brilliant and faithful adaptation of the source material, and as a long time fan of the games, I loved every minute of it.