• 51 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Depends what you mean by feminism if you mean feminism as equality for all then great.

    If you mean feminism as you see a lot of today then maybe not. The fact you never see feminism calling out shitty, toxic female behaviour shows a lot of the picture is missing.

    Holding up everything that lives under the feminism banner as infallible is dangerous. Plenty of low income white guys have been pushed aside for feminism and then told they have all this privilege for living in a place with no economic prospects and they are responsible for how the world was made before they were born.

  • Lemmy is beginning to get overly moderated so I think being clear on why comments are getting deleted is a great way to avoid mod abuse.

    I’m a big believer in freedom of speech and how ideas are changed through open and honest discourse for the betterment of mankind. It’s a true ideal of the internet and the world at whole.

    I hope this instance remains as free an open as possible and avoids the mod abuse. Even if that brings us some discomfort.

    I know support is usually quiet and complaints are voiced. As such I just wanted to voice my support. Thank you.