WIIHAPPYFEW [he/him, they/them]

some ratty audhd bi masc genderfluid punk warped and contorted by unspeakable horrors (living in south carolina)

  • 95 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • oh hey mondaire jones won his primary

    (wouldve been better if he didnt try to win downtown manhattan last cycle for no tactically sound reason though)


    Following redistricting, the 17th district included the residence of Sean Patrick Maloney, the Democratic incumbent in the neighboring 18th district and chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Mondaire Jones was no longer in the court drawn 17th district. According to The Guardian, “Maloney decided to run in New York’s 17th congressional district rather than his longtime, more urban, 18th district, even though that meant booting out the newer Mondaire Jones, his fellow Democrat and the incumbent congressman in the 17th district”. According to The Hill, Maloney’s decision “infuriated Jones and his allies, particularly those in the Congressional Black Caucus, who accused Maloney of putting his own political survival over the interests of the party”.
