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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • You just said that liberals are hardcore capitalists despite the fact that liberals are the ones pushing for a hybrid socialist democracy where key industries are socialized so that rampant corruption, which is an effect of the invisible hand, can be avoided. You go on to say that liberal means conservative.

    Phrases like ‘we are living in a post truth world’ are a self fulfilling prophecy for those who use that phrase… for the rest of us you just sound like a far-right provocateur.

    It appears you are either very confused or you are a dishonest interlocutor and are completely full of shit.

  • Science requires that you do not simply start with a belief in something, quite the opposite in fact.

    Sure, things that have been demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt may become the foundation for further research, standing in the shoulders of giants and all, but if you are starting with a conclusion you are doing science wrong.

    Magic has two common definitions: a trick which is designed to create the illusion that something supernatural has occurred, or an assertion that the supernatural does indeed exist with magic being the ‘evidence’.

    As I am sure someone has said at some point, real magic is fake and fake magic is real.

    Magic has nothing to do with science, even though someone once famously said that ‘any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.’

  • While forensic linguistics is pretty cool, the Unabomber was caught because they released his manifesto and his brother’s wife and brother recognized the unusual phrasing such as ‘Eat your cake and have it too’.

    If an author has a large amount of known works then it’s not too difficult to identify other writings by that same author. But if the author does not have a large body of writing that is known to come from that individual, then the best we can do is determine an approximate age and geographic location where the Individual grew up, and that’s only when the unidentified writing is large enough, like in the case of the Unabomber where his manifesto was 30k words.

  • I would argue that conspiracy the other way around… they keep us pacified with $2 cheeseburgers so that we don’t revolt. There will never be a revolution in the US so long as the beef industry continues to receive it subsidies which keep the cost of a Big Mac at around a half hour’s wages.

    That said, if you really think that starvation is a liberal conspiracy used to control the masses, then you are simply delusional.

    It’s conservatives that are trying to undermine social services like food stamps and healthcare, not the liberals.