• 4 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024

  • So what do you do? Because you claim that everyone who will not vote for Biden and is announcing that would be doing nothing. Which is not only a very crass assumption to make, also with how you relate it to Palestine and claiming people would be part of a manufactured outrage you are either showing that genocide is not an important issue to you or even worse you deny others people outrage over genocide to be sincere. Especially with how understandably people most outraged and worried are of racialized communities this adds racists overtones to your statement. Now maybe that was not your intention in which case it is a good chance for you to reflect on it.

    So what are you specifically doing aside from voting and insulting people on the internet?

  • You know what would minimize genocide? If US politicians would have to face repercussions for helping in it. You do the opposite you grant the blanket check to the Biden administration and ensure them that no matter how much they support genocide, you will vote for them.

    You are enabling it and you probably know it subconsciously, which is why you try to spin it the other way around because you don’t want to face the reality of your actions.

    The only thing the Dems care about is power, just like the Reps. If you would threaten them to loose their power, they would be forced to act on this matter. Instead you reassure them that they have nothing to fear from you. And the most absurd thing is, this will not only fuck the people in Palestine more, it will also fuck you, as nothing you want politically will matter. You are telling the Dems that they dont need to fight for your vote. You are telling them to ignore your needs, your positions, your values.

  • They dont send food because Israel blocks it. In fact the aid to Gaza on land is mainly coming through Jordan and then gets pillaged by Isareli terrorists supported by the government. When Egypt wanted to send humanitarian aid in November through Rafah crossing, Israel bombed it repeatedly.

    Meanwhile the US is literally supplying the very weapons that are murdering the people in Gaza. And even when the US claims to provide humanitarian aid, like with that Pier they built it ends up in reality being used to facilitate massacres like in Nusereit, using aid trucks as disguise for Israeli genocide forces.

    I don’t know what you are smoking, but it most be strong if you believe Israel could act without the massive support and endorsement by the US government. Israel is primarily to blame as they are directly committing the genocide and then comes the US as the are delivering the weapons and providing diplomatic cover, even threatening international courts that want Israeli war criminals to face justice.

  • Trump pulled more troops out of the Middle East than Biden and Obama. Clinton ran in 2016 on a platform of going to war with Iran.

    Also the goal is not to reward Trump. The goal is to punish the support for genocide so American politics stop supporting genocide. The fact that two geriatric genocide supporters are your choices for the presidential election should bring everyone sane to the streets and push for the long overdue change of the political system. By keep voting Democrats purely based on “well they are not Trump” you get exactly what you got the last 30 years. Getting fucked by both parties, the Dems moving further and further to the right and the Reps enjoying many of their policies enacted by the Dems themselves. Look at Trumps border wall. Look at mass deportations. Look at the internment camps were children are separated from their families. All continued and expanded on by the current Dem administration.

  • Where i live in central Europe most houses dont have ACs and 20 years ago during the hottest times of summer you’d reach that indoors with keeping blinds shut and airing out at night. Nowadays 30°C+ indoors as hottest summer temperatures is pretty common. At 26°C you can still function somewhat. Especially when you are used to these temperatures it is still fine for office work.

  • 1…

    And Israel and the EU help Azerbaijan to continue ethnic cleansing of Armenians, in particular Israel by sending drones in exchange for Azerbaijani oil


    The Kurdish identity was deliberately squashed by the Western imperialists France and UK when they drew the borders after the fall of the Ottoman empire


    Turkey went into Cyprus when a western aided fascist Greek military junta government tried to take over Cyprus and make it part of Greece with ethnic cleansing against the Turks in Cyprus. Calling it an illegal occupation is again a western imperialist narrative ignoring the complicity in attempted ethnic cleansing or worse genocide by the Greek fascist military junta government of the time. In fact Turkey stepping in was pivotal to the fascist military junta falling apart and Greece returning to Democracy.


    So already in your first three points you are showing either a lack of understanding, or deliberately downplaying the effects of western imperialist rule and its continuation into today. Armenians are allies of Palestine as they understand that they are victim of the same forces. In particular the Israel-Azerbaijan axis shows that it is not about religion, but about classic imperialist motives of ressources, power and money.

  • The Middle East isn’t divided by the US, it’s divided by its own history of imperialism, colonization, oppression and violence based on religious and ethnic lines accross the centuries. There’s really no incentive for the US keep the Middle East divided, not to mention that oil producing countries are already united through OPEC.

    Ahh yes. The Middle Easts own history. Clearly has nothing to do with French, British or US being the colonizing entities… And after all why would the US be interested in dividing a region that is connecting 3 continents and has the mos accessible of the main strategic ressources of the past two centuries.

    And of course all the plans of the US that specifically talked about destroying nations like Iraq and Syria and the invasion of Iraq to do exactly that… All coincidences! Who would be so mean to assume this to be part of larger strategies?

  • Colonial league of nations declare Israeli state after later to become Israeli terrorists have terrorized Palestinians and the British troops to force them out. Palestinians are not asked on the matter if they want to give those terrorists a fascist ethnostate on their land.

    Fascist ethnostate gets declared, starts ethically cleansing hundreds of thousands of people.

    Some neighbouring countries try to prevent that.

    75 years of propaganda and brainwashing and people like you spin it like the Israelis are the victims, even while they are currently committing an even worse genocide and ethnic cleansing than they used to do back then and in between.

  • China sorgt aber z.B. nicht dafür, dass wir wieder an einem Genozid beteiligt sind. Die USA sind eben nicht nur Kulturimperialisten. Sie sind auch knallharte militärische Imperialisten und das wovon Russland militärisch nur träumt ist für die USA selbstverständlich.

    Jede ausländische Einflussnahme ist eine gleichwertige Gefahr und gegen jede ausländische Einflussnahme muss konsequent vorgegangen werden. Das nur über die Einflussnahme von einer Seite gesprochen wird, zeigt wie gefährlich diese Einflussnahme ist. Denn sie ist so erfolgreich, dass Schlüsselpositionen der deutschen Eliten, ob nun politisch, wirtschaftlich oder medial, bereits besetzt sind.

    Die gleiche Situation wäre umgekehrt, wenn der Kalte Krieg anders rum ausgegangen wäre. Dann würde man in Deutschland “selbstverständlich” die amerikanische Einflussnahme als Sorge betrachten und die russische Einflussnahme herunterspielen oder als “das geringere Übel” ansehen. Wer das ist, ist aber nicht objektiv besetzt, sondern normativ. “Wir stehen seit 70 Jahren unter US Einfluss, also ist das der bessere Einfluss.”

    Die Lösung muss aber sein, sich von jeder Einflussnahme zu befreien.

  • Es wird dringendst Zeit dass wir ausländischer Einflussnahme - insbesondere durch ideologische und geopolitische Feinde wie Russland und China - ein Ende setzen.

    Auch das ist ein Narrativ, dass das Ergebnis erheblichen Ressourceneinsatzes amerikanischer Propaganda ist. Schau dir mal die Atlantikbrücke an Zahlreiche Medienunternehmer, Unternehmer, Bundespolitiker inkl. Kanzlerinnen und Kanzler. Auch die aktuelle Außenministerin ist Mitglied und schaut man sich deutsche Außenpolitik an, dann ist das ein verlängerter Arm der US Außenpolitik.

    Während der Springerverlag gegen die Grünen hetzt und Gewalt gegen Lokalpolitikerinnen und lokal Engagierte anstachelt, sitzen Springer-Vorstand und die Parteieliten gemeinsam zusammen, um US Interessen in Deutschland und Europa durchzusetzen. Das gilt entsprechend auch für SPD, CDU und FDP

    Einflussnahme unserer geopolitischen “Freunde” ist nicht weniger gefährlich, als Einflussnahme unserer geopolitischen “Feinde”. Wäre es nach Merkel gegangen, hätte Deutschland beim Irakkrieg mitgemacht.

  • Die EU warnt vor Scheinmedien. Bürger sehen Gefahr in Desinformationskampagnen.

    Finde die Hysterie etwas albern. Es geht doch nicht darum, dass Medien irgendwelche Mindeststandards an Neutralität erfüllen müssen. Das tun sie offenkundig nicht. Axel-Springer kommt mit “Bitte stärke die FDP”, “Ossis sind entweder Faschos oder Kommunisten” und ähnlichem Zeugs durch. Lindner ist als Bundesminister auch in zweiter Ehe mit dem Axel-Springer Verlag verheiratet.

    Und auch vermeintlich seriösere Medien wie der Berliner Tagesspiegel, FAZ, Spiegel, Focus & co. werden bei bestimmten Themen zum Desinformations- und Hetzblättern à la Bild.

    Es geht darum, wer die Hoheit über das Narrativ haben soll. Es geht darum, wer die Desinformation verbreiten soll. Es geht nicht darum, Desinformation als solche zu verhindern. Sonst gäbe es Bild, WELT & co. gar nicht mehr.