Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

Chief O’Brien’s favorite.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • Are you asking The Picard Maneuver if they believe the post is genuine, if they believe the person posting to twitter is actually up 700%, or if they believe it’s a good strategy?

    Because I’m 99% sure those all have the same “no” as an answer.

    Based on the rest of the comment im assuming #2.

    Anyone who actually thinks the poster really is up 700%, hit me up, I’ve got some bridges you might be interested in purchasing.

  • I know this is a joke, but are there seriously people who think someone who doesn’t like you is going to call you “Doctor” because you have a piece of paper?

    Of course it’s not just a piece of paper, it requires metric shitloads of dedication, hard work, and all manner of things about which I haven’t the faintest idea.

    But the person who doesn’t like you doesn’t care about all that.

    Unless there is some sort of reason they need to appease you or someone at an organization they’re part of (work, personal stuff, whatever) they have no reason to acknowledge your hard work.

    And honestly, when someone gives me that look and corrects me with “it’s DOCTOR” in that tone, I make a point to never refer to them as doctor, simply because of our first interaction. Be more friendly when introducing yourself as “Dr. Name Lastname”. And maybe learn to live with the fact that not everyone cares about titles.

    Sorry for the rant, semi-serious question, it just struck a nerve because someone did this to me recently and did not react well to me continuing to call them by their first name.