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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • On the other hand, genocide was committed in October, when Hamas brutally attacked the Jewish state, murdering an estimated 1,200 people, Schiff said.

    …and the article lost credibility. If what Israel is doing isn’t genocide, then what Hamas did can’t be genocide.

    Looked up the people quoted in the article. Rabbi Danny Schiff is an ethics lawyer from Pittsburgh, not a genocide scholar. Avi Ben-Hur, who is more qualified to speak on this said:

    “We have a monster on our doorstep,” he said. “We were caught asleep. We had horrible things done to us. It’s not a question of payback. We have to retrieve our safety and security so people can go back to their homes and live their lives like normal people. We have to degrade the monster’s offensive capabilities so this can’t happen again.” source.

    Calling them “monsters,” and dehumanizing people, doesn’t gain my trust.