• 12 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • This is super dumb. People always act like airplanes were just “invented” one day, especially by the Wright brothers.

    This isn’t the case at all, decades before there were people doing (powered) gliders and getting pretty far. Propellers were also well known at that point and a lot of people knew if you could get enough power to weight ratio you could get something that flew. Multiple people were working on small engines with a lot of output, combined with a light airframe and a death wish. Controlling the plane was also a huge challenge people were working on, which was the same for gliders and planes a like.

    Sure the Wright brothers got there first, according to history, but many people followed soon after with their own designs. It was more of a humanity’s capabilities to build such a thing caught up with their imagination and thus it was a thing.

  • No the “AI” isn’t a threat in itself. And treating generative algorithms like LLM like it’s general intelligence is dumb beyond words. However:

    It massively increases the reach and capacity of foreign (and sadly domestic) agents to influence people. All of those Russian trolls that brought about fascism, Brexit and the rise of the far right used to be humans. Now a single human can do more than a whole army of people could in the past using AI. Spreading misinformation has never been easier.

    Then there’s the whole replacing peoples jobs with AI. No the AI can’t actually do those jobs, not very well at least. But if management and the share holders think they can increase profits using AI, they will certainly fire a lot of folk. And even if that ends up ruining the company down the line, that costs even more jobs and usually impacts the people lower in the organization the most.

    Also there’s a risk of people literally becoming less capable and knowledgeable because of AI. If you can have a digital assistant you carry around on your pocket at all times answer every question ever, why bother learning anything yourself? Why take the hard road, when the easy road is available? People are at risk of losing information, knowledge and the ability to think for themselves because of this. And it can become so bad, when the AI just makes shit up, people think it’s the truth. And in a darker tone, if the people behind the big AIs want something to not be known or misrepresented, they can make it happen. And people would be so reliant on it, they wouldn’t even know this happens. This is already an issue with social media, AI is much much worse.

    Then there is the resource usage for AI. This makes the impact of crypto currency seem like a rounding error. The energy and water usage is huge and becoming bigger every day. This has the potential to undo almost all of the climate wins we’ve had for the past two decades and push the Earth beyond the tipping point. What people seem to forget about climate change is once things start becoming bad, it’s way too late and the situation will deteriorate at an exponential rate.

    That’s just a couple of big things I can think of on the top of my head. I’m sure there are many more issues (such as the death of the internet). But I think this is enough to call the current level of “AI” a threat to humanity.

  • This probably because Microsoft added a trigger on the word law. They don’t want to give out legal advice or be implied to have given legal advice. So it has trigger words to prevent certain questions.

    Sure it’s easy to get around these restrictions, but that implies intent on the part of the user. In a court of law this is plenty to deny any legal culpability. Think of it like putting a little fence with a gate around your front garden. The fence isn’t high and the gate isn’t locked, because people that need to be there (like postal services) need to get by, but it’s enough to mark a boundary. When someone isn’t supposed to be in your front yard and still proceeds past the fence, that’s trespassing.

    Also those laws of robotics are fun in stories, but make no sense in the real world if you even think about them for 1 minute.

  • This is one of my favorite WW2 movies, it’s so good. I’ve visited much of the places in the movie often and it’s so impressive how far they went to recreate locations 1:1. I also love how they focused on what actually happened and kept the fiction to a minimum. Not to say it’s a historic documentary, it’s still a movie, but it’s very realistic.