• 44 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I was listening to Romano’s transfer live stream yesterday. Doesn’t sound like we have many public deals near fruition right now.

    The only one he mentioned for us that was basically a ‘here we go’ was the Raya one, which we all already knew was going to happen. For all the other ones that are out in the open we’re not the favourites.

    Though I’m not too worried. I trust Edu’s transfer strategy and abilities in the market. And I suspect we have some deals simmering on the down-low that will surprise pretty much all of us.

    The other thing is that we don’t need massive changes to the squad, just 2 or 3 positions. It looks like we are targeting very specific player profiles rather than just looking for a warm body to fill a given position. And I think that’s a good approach.

    Who would be you guys’ ideal signings?

    For me I like the look of that Turkish fullback at Fenerbahce (though it sounds like someone else will get him). And some sort of a young defensive midfielder, not sure who though. A physically big striker would be nice, but I’m not convinced by any of the big names we’ve been linked to.

  • Dell announced a new return-to-office initiative earlier this year. In the new plan, workers had to classify themselves as remote or hybrid.

    Those who classified themselves as hybrid are subject to a tracking system that ensures they are in a physical office 39 days a quarter, which works out to close to three days per work week.

    Alternatively, by classifying themselves as remote, workers agree they can no longer be promoted or hired into new roles within the company.

    Holy corporate oppression, Batman! That’s a shitty deal no matter which option you choose.

    I’m glad they’ve got themselves into a sticky situation.

    Also, this observation was funny (in a sad way):

    One person said they’d spoken with colleagues who had chosen to go hybrid, and those colleagues reported doing work in mostly empty offices punctuated with video calls with people who were in other mostly empty offices.

  • James McClean (who is currently getting a lot of attention for playing for Wrexham, and apparently wants even more attention) is describing Declan Rice as a “poor man’s Roy Keane”. I’m actually embarrassed for McClean on this, because it shows a profound lack of understanding about how Declan plays. Possibly even a serious lack of awareness about the different types of midfielders that are out there.

  • I’m pretty sure I know what his play book said, based on his career up to this point…

    Step 1: be a total shitheel in college so everyone there hates you.

    Step 2: enter politics through family connections, but make sure to lie about your name so you sound more Caucasian and win over your racist voter base.

    Step 3: grandstand so much over stupid shit that you become the target of meme conspiracies.

    Step 4: run for the presidency against a vindictive, malignant narcissist conman. Make sure to disparage him at every turn to try to make yourself look better.

    Step 5: grovel and ingratiate yourself into abject humiliation to said vindictive malignant narcissist conman when he beats you to the party nomination and unleashes political hell on you (and calls your wife ugly).

    Step 6: become despised by your own children for continuing to be a total shitheel and a failure of a parent.

    Step 7: run away to Cancun during an emergency and when your constituents need you most. Side note: make sure to drag your kids there with you in case it makes them hate you any less. (Spoiler alert: they will just hate you even more for doing that, but oh well!)

    Step 8: align yourself with the lunatic fringe of your party, even though they despise you and mock you behind your back.

    Step 9: cling on desperately to your current political office for the rest of your pathetic career, knowing you have already peaked and that nobody outside some gullible constituents currently or will ever like or respect you.