• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Because 1 Drakon is 1000 Cubic 100tholians, which takes 1000 Vornies to raise 100 degrees on the Flugar scale to boiling point.

    Metric is very scientific, but it was made through arbitrary means. They chose to make it easier than imperial by using divisions of 10. But it’s all based on a single measurement that they made up through arbitrary means.

    “We have this length called a meter. How do we define it? Let’s use it to measue something in nature and then use that measurement to define it.”

  • Sir, you have taken my words and misconstrued them to make me appear foolish. To that I say… Touché.

    So let’s get extremely technical and a little petty.

    If we only count movies with the title “The Mummy” then we have:

    The Mummy (1911) The Mummy (1932) The Mummy (1959) The Mummy (1999) The Mummy (2017)

    I propose that because you immediately suggested that the “remake” I was referring to was the 1999 film and was immediately precided by the “original” then you are MISTAKEN!!!

    That would mean that you believed the 3rd movie in this list was actually the “original”. How utterly foolish of you. I laugh at your expense. Ha ha ha.

    But seriously, I grew up loving the 1999 Mummy movie and I refuse to see the newest one.

  • Yeah first episode was shit.

    I liked how they bypassed Sokka’s sexism and made it more about his insecurities with his dad and what it means to be a man.

    I liked how Katara’s fight with Paku and her ability to lead all of the female waterbenders made her a master in his eyes which lead to him telling the teens to find Master Katara.

    I like how all the previous Avatars have baggage about doing things alone or being vicious. It forces Aang to find his own path instead of following someone elses path. He no longer needs to live up to the previous Avatars, he just needs to be his own Avatar.