Stpetergriffonsberg [comrade/them, comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2023


  • News thread favorite John Mearsheimer in Kangerooland talking about “Israel”. Covers a lot that we already know. Points he makes include: (as appropriated from the trueanon thread I found this on)

    -Israel will never accept a two-state solution or a multi-ethnic democracy as their goal is explicitly an ethnostate. This is why they supported Hamas over the PLO historically, as Hamas provides a perfect foil compared to the PLO

    -Israel cannot defeat Hamas, their only real options were ethnic cleansing of Gaza (which failed) or genocide (which is what they are currently doing)

    -Israel is unquestionably an apartheid state, however, they are aware of the instability of apartheid (re. South Africa). This leaves ethnic cleansing or genocide as the only long-term solutions

    -Post-10/7 Israel needs to deal with the fact that their reputation of deterrence has been badly damaged and they have reached pariah-state level

    -Israel will have an increasingly difficult time dealing with external threats due to the advancements in drone and missile technology employed by Iran, Hezbollah, and Yemen

    Youtube Link

  • You sound like you have a really low opinion of yourself and that sucks. You’re obviously informed, you have opinions and you’ve got the ability to get yourself out there. I’m not saying you need to socially pull yourself up by the social bootstraps, just that you have all the pieces and sometimes it’s not up to us whether they fall where they need. And as ND people I do think we get less chances, especially early in life when we’re already busy dealing with being different and all the fun that comes from that.

    I don’t know your situation or anything but you do remind me of myself, and the advice I’d give to me is to please not despair, to continue to put yourself out there and express yourself whenever you can, you’re not filler you’re a person and you have a lot to bring to people’s lives. Keep rolling the dice stalin-heart