
Live, Learn, Laugh, Love, Let go.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • I’ve tried. Really I have. But without some form to express my disagreement with what I am interacting with, without having to write and post my disagreement as a reply, Reddthat is little more than another Facebook without all the pictures of babies. Sometimes it’s a big “no” in my head, sometimes it’s small. But if we are big kids enough to be trusted with creating content, then we should be trusted with the ability to express our disagreement of content presented to us. WHY does Reddthat have to be only ego strokes of Upvotes?

    I was attempting to become more active here, but this is just too much of a sticking point with me when it starts to feel like Facebook with headlines.

    I’m back to read only mode. It’s stupid to only be able to approve when all viewpoints are supposedly welcome here.

    Just so long as they are positive to what you see. Otherwise your POV is not welcome.

  • Also, it helps provide a bit of a temperature gauge as to the popularity of some viewpoints. I’ve come across discussions where I’m not well informed enough to make an opinion, so am reading the various comments from others. The downvote count most certainly gives me a glimpse into the popularity of some POV’s.

    In today’s world, having access to information is not enough. You need to also have access into how relevant and accepted some information is. Otherwise, how will you discern between useful information and horseshit?

    When I see posts with heavy negative feedback, I can see that the post is too short sighted, or too rude, or too contrary to the discussion to be accepted with open arms. Especially for the generations who are growing up online.

    There needs to be a way to learn what societies accept, merely tolerate, or condemn. Downvotes are not the end all and be all, but they most certainly are better than just the “happy happy joy joy,” of blind approval upvotes alone.
