• 49 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s the fact that he’s a Putin stooge and an information terrorist. He has all the secrets, everyone’s, but only releases those that help his and his benefactors political views, and withholding secrets that hurt his side, essentially turning secrets into a weapon. I believe a bond villain literally did that.

    I have no sympathy for this guy. He’s not a whistle blower or noble believer of truth. He is a self interested, selfish, rich old fuck, just like the rest of them.

    I believe his wealth is somewhere in the 100 million mark still, how did he get that while other whistle blowers got nothing and just went straight to jail?

  • You’re simplifying the fuck out of this. What Lemmy doesn’t realize is that Palestine is made up of different tribes with different interests. If Israel wasn’t around they’d be killing each other. Israel unified them against one enemy. That’s huge. The problem lies in what happens if Hamas gets everything it wants? You think they’re gonna bring in the other tribes and spread equality? Or will all the power fall to the Hamas tribe who will just become the new Israel? And let’s not forget that this is a genocide war, and Israel is winning, but the goal of Hamas is still the genocide of Israelis and Jews in the middle east, you can’t sugar coat that just because they’re losing the “who can do the genocide on the other” contest

  • It’s not about self defense. As long as you match, and don’t exceed the aggressor’s energy, you’re within your rights. If someone punches you, you can punch back but you can’t pile drive the guy, but you can hit back just as hard.

    The punch the FedEx driver threw wasn’t meant to be fatal and was an acceptable retaliation after being verbally abused, then physically assaulted. It’s not his fault the aggressor was glass Joe.