• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • If you use HTTPS, the attacker can still see what websites you connect to, they just can’t see what you are sending or receiving. So basically they can steal your browsing history, which defeats the purpose of a commercial VPN for many users.

    This is blatantly false. They can see IP addresses and ports of you connect to from IP packets, and hostnames from TLS negotiation phase (and DNS requests if you don’t use custom DNS settings). HTTP data is fully encrypted when using HTTPS.

    If exposing hostnames and IP addresses is dangerous, chances are that establishing a VPN connection is as dangerous.

  • Control of the DHCP server in the victim’s network is required for the attack to work.

    This is not a VPN vulnerability, but a lower level networking setup manipulation that negates naive VPN setups by instructing your OS to send traffic outside of VPN tunnel.

    In conclusion, if your VPN setup doesn’t include routing guards or an indirection layer, ISP controlled routers and public WiFis will make you drop out of the tunnel now that there’s a simple video instruction out there.

    • USA is not the most diverse country (its ethnic fractionalization index is below that of Moldova - https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-racially-diverse-countries or https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_ranked_by_ethnic_and_cultural_diversity_level)
    • Out of listed countries, the only one that exhibits clear signs of ethnonationalism is Russia (although I have to admit to be fairly ignorant on state of things in Argentina)
    • Lumping Russia with its former colonies screams “ignorance”
    • Grabbing a bunch of countries from the oldest trade route and thinking they are gonna be ethnically homogenous echoes the previous scream
    • Me spending time on this post is a clear evidence of procrastination
    • Poland has universal healthcare, walkable cities, affordable intra- and intercity public transportation, and provides free higher education to its citizens
    • Moldova provides free education to its citizens and has universal healthcare
    • Even Russia has a still working universal healthcare (terrible by many standards, but still beats US) and provides higher education to its citizens
    • Argentina has universal healthcare and offers free higher education to it’s citizens
    • Why am I still procrastinating? Send help!

    USA is a dominant superpower though.

  • Please correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t this allow one to represent virtually any resource as a mail inbox/outbox with access through a generic mail app?

    I’m working with a specialized healthcare company right now, and this looks like a way to represent patient treatments data as an intuitive timeline of messages. With a local offline cache in case of outages. Security of local workstations is a weak point of course, but when is it not…

  • You’re showing your true imperialistic colors. “Let the empire pillage its colonies” and all that jazz.

    NATO was never an issue for Russia, and every time any kind of appeasement is attempted, Russia simply moves the goalposts and whines again.

    They did invade multiple countries, they invaded Ukraine twice, but you would rather see them occupy more territories and ruin more lives, as long as you can pretend that occupation by an openly genocidal regime is peace.