• 122 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • I had some hostas, until I realized they don’t like full sun and cooked them. And then the next year they didn’t come back, I figured they were dead from the heat stress, winter, or the mulch was too hard packed.

    So colour me surprised when two came back! And now they are nicely shaded by the trees that was the plan when we planted them years ago. The trees were just too small haha.

  • Trying to hold on until my surgery, steroid shots are so I don’t need to rely on pain killers, but they come with their own complications. Trying to find the right pacing in the mean time, but I hate not doing something if there’s stuff to do. It’s a struggle.

    I’ve seriously contemplated getting one, so many things I could make and use, but I also wouldn’t have the time, that would probably be a winter only type of thing. But once it’s setup and I’m comfortable, obviously wouldn’t be hard to quickly set something up or tinker with files in bed on a tablet as well. But than that would flare up the carpal tunnel anyways, so waiting until after the surgeries before even testing that water haha.

  • Because it was represented as a feature when someone decided to rent the place.

    Pardon? It wasn’t on the lease, so it wasn’t.

    For example, nothing requires an outlet or switch to work, as long as it’s safe, but we expect that to work. I doubt anything requires all burners on a stove to work, but it’s certainly expected. Nothing requires windows to open but it’s expected.

    Actually, codes and legislations do! Your entire comment is misguided yeesh. AC IS different since no codes, legislations, or the lease requires it. A stove is require by code, legislations, and lease, so if it doesn’t work, that’s an issue.

    So you understand the very important distinction now….? Probably not, but do you?

  • It’s my first true run let’s say, I tried a couple times in soil and it just didn’t work out very well hard to blame genetics when it was likely my error to begin with.

    I’ve been hesitant myself from the lack of reliability out of them that I’ve read too, and I don’t want to deal with male sacs and what not when these are $10 a damn seed. Atleast with photos I can clone and stretch the dollar on some fire phenotypes.

    I like to be rough on the girls, and these could be the result, or could be just straight bad genetics, so hard to attribute it to one way or the other. If you baby bad genetics you can get decent results, but I sure don’t want a plant to throw a fit because the power went out for 20 minutes.

  • Eh, I know a bunch of people who left Lemmy just because they did this, I’m not gonna do something else, but they should also realize people don’t want a Reddit clone and this stuff will make people leave.

    People left Reddit to get away from this stuff, try being unique instead of emulating what you left. Like the tired old trope of your very “unique comment” as well…….