Privacy & Foss advocate, and Linux user.
Ace 🖤🩶🤍💜

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • 41 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Rustmilian@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzyogi knows
    1 day ago

    Maybe if it were a black bear, they scare off easily. However a brown bear is not so easily intimidated, grizzly bears would tank a bullet, and polar bears are aggressive hunter’s, panda’s would easily win that fight… I could continue but I think you get my point by now.

  • Rustmilian@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldI consent!
    2 days ago

    " Sleepwalkers is a group of young idols who are forced to undergo a ritual where their bones are removed and replaced with a special material that allows them to dance for extended periods of time. Fans of the group are encouraged to give their bones to Sleepwalkers as a sign of their devotion. "

  • Yes, it is functionally different. Because of man, -h/--help,tldr, documentation, consistency, etc.
    The terminal is a consistent and predictable tool that you are given every needed resource to able to learn and use. To find out what a command does is easy and you don’t need internet to do it. Plus, the terminal is way more versatile and extensible.
    The entire point of the terminal is to empower the user and give a consistent interference to manipulate low-level and high-level settings, features and applications. While the entire point of the registry is to limit & obscure the accessibly of options Microsoft doesn’t want you to be able to touch or know about. Nor is it even consistent for that matter, with stuff shuffling around, resetting and being removed during updates. My post is a prime example, they don’t want you to be able to disable Bing search because they make money from it, exactly the same reason they actively try preventing you from removing edge.

  • The registry is worse. They maliciously hide basic settings and leave you to figure it out without any documentation.
    The terminal is actually consistent, Grub entries are consistent and have documentation, editing plain text is way better than manipulating binary data with a jank tool.
    I guarantee that most Windows users, including the techy type, had no clue that the feature described in my post was even possible or existed. Point is, this is not a system level setting, it’s a basic setting that can easily be done with a simple GUI checkbox/button/switch just as KDE plasma has done. Window’s hiding it, not only inside the registry, but even hiding it from the registry as an unmarked option with 0 documention, is utterly ridiculous.

  • hundreds of different distros

    And out of those “hundreds” only a handful of them are actually popular and progressing innovation…

    As someone who’s distro hopped across a wide verity of distros, the fundamentals are more less the same across all of them. Just go with a popular distro with good documentation and you’ll be fine. If you’ve learned enough from mint to feel comfortable tackling Arch Linux, then the documention (e.g. ArchWiki) will be your strongest asset.