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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024

  • Microsoft dominated with IE back in the day for the same reason Chrome and Safari are the dominant choices. People don’t tend to change the default if it works okay enough. Firefox dropped heavily years ago as the market was saturated with other new choices already installed on mobile and Chromebooks, but recent numbers are about the same as they have been for a while. Maybe even still growing, as all the numbers I find are percentages, and there’s no doubt we’ve had an explosion of device use.

  • I’ve come to the conclusion that all these breach notices and the free stuff they offer for X months is a huge scam to get you sign up up for something. Either that, or every company has woefully underpaid/incompetent IT people. I’m waiting for the next news story to break on another company that somehow got passwords or identity info hacked that was stored in plain text…something I learned how to not do back in the 90s with basic HTML and PHP.

    In short - I don’t believe them. They all are using the same form letters, it’s a scheme that they’re all in on.

  • “It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.”

    We do have a number of great communicators out there, many are Youtube channel creators. They just aren’t as likely to get to the majority of regular people since someone would need to start looking for answers to trigger the algorithm.

    Some of the best Sagan public moments were on the Tonight Show with Carson. And Carson being a great host knew when to shut up and let a guest talk, but I think when Sagan was on Carson shut up because he was fascinated with what Sagan would say.

  • Samsung? We got one used and it’s great for the drying part, but when I went to research how to change the “melody”, and I’m being generous here, to a chime or something else…nope. You get that, or silence. So we use silence and listen for the sound of it stopping. That song is terrible, and for there to be no options at all in a modern appliance…why was this a good idea on the drawing board?

  • I get the humor in the irony, and it’s a meme place, but never give an inch. A private school can do what they want, but public is owned by the people, and there cannot be discrimination with religious stances. So therefore, no side can be chosen, even in jest.

    Not a fan of the theocracy that’s been allowed to seep in over many decades being wrapped in falsities.

  • Understanding the variety of speech over a drive-thru speaker can be difficult for a human with experience in the job. I can’t see the current level of voice recognition matching it, especially if it’s using LLMs for processing of what it managed to detect. If I’m placing a food order I don’t need a LLM hallucination to try and fill in blanks of what it didn’t convert correctly to tokens or wasn’t trained on.