
V vaughn the travelling vaudeville villain

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 15th, 2024

  • Eh very high up figures similar to mountbatten or samuel hoare saw the use in these fascists. Their connections went a long way after the war for fascists across the board. Like they sure have financial ties. The actual larger ties came after the war with the west taking over. Soon they are flowing ghouls like stetsko or any other fascist to their programs. Dulles or singlaub or hw all these people knew what to do with them. I don’t think usa is on the nazis side as much as its contemporary colonial powers. They bought em to the west’s side.

  • Somewhere in this thread I mentioned samuel hoare. Yeah I know about freikorps but I guess the person I was talking about in the post only wants to shit on parenti. They only care about saying how whatever reference parenti put was bad about spd. Albeit plenty of history suggests otherwise. Which makes it weird to glom onto that stuff parenti said, as if saying socdems sided with fascists is not self evident.

    Well yeah its a wordpress blog which apparently is staunchly debunking american ties to industries in germany. I don’t know some people just make bold claims and say they have great citations.

  • Oh that kinzer book is neat, I’ve been also reading devil’s chessboard which is decent so far.

    Also the person who gave tooze reference also did mention wages of destruction. They only bought it up to say its better than parenti and its not a conspiracy screed like parenti does about the ford plants.

    duck your head on the earlier details and focus on the one thing that matters to you, electoratism

    But yeah I would say they did cling to this saying the kpd should formed electoral coalition rather than being hostile cause of soviet advice.

  • As far as specifics go, I guess they just think parenti is a bad historian distorting for a narrative. Specifically that they think his references are bad and he just says things to push agenda. They keep saying something like spectre of war by haslam is better book on the rise fascism. And that parenti wants to blame spd even though its all kpd and soviets fault according to them.

    They just think parenti is awful and that he is a very bad historian. Also that blackshirts and reds is a poorly written book.

    They kinda have 2 criticisms yeah. They just think books by haslam or kershaw or suny are the only ones that are serious and good. And parenti is just a bad historian according their 2 criticisms.

    I don’t know if they want to draw parallels to current atmosphere. They are type who say bolsheviks never really cared for a real revolution they just wanted authoritarianism.

  • And ultimately, when push came to shove and there was a chance for an internationalist revolutionary movement, the spd aided the fascists in their purge

    Well that is pretty much the first part of my question. In the book Blackshirts and reds at the start parenti pretty much says so (that spd ultimately aided nazis). But apparently some seem to think :1) saying that spd ended up doing that is some whitewashing of soviet mistakes. 2) parenti wants to push his agenda by saying spd sided with nazis. To them its parenti cherrypicking and that he only blames spd.

    As for the rest of the question, in the same book there is a part of ford factory. Apparently to some that’s another lie made up by parenti to further his grand conspiracy of america.

    I guess the overall point of the question is that some people want to point at this book and say that communists who refer to this book are apparently wrong to do so. Cause parenti apparently has no understanding of fascism and only wants to push an agenda according to some of these folks. They seem to point to his references in the book to say that its a poor work and should not be recommended.

    And yeah its hundred miles wide. Not just industrial ties. People like samuel hoare or hw or any wacl ghoul always had roots in funding and tying with fellow fascist ghouls.

  • India’s always been corporation friendly. SAP and more privatization since 90s has been rolling that way. Like lately the way to go has been to disinvestment from public industry across the country. They gave air india on a silver platter to tata and took all the burden to pay off liabilities upto 60,000 crores. Meanwhile they just waltzed in comfortably. Same with ford and wistron, they left and gave the operations to tata. Tata got in after wistron didn’t want the new terms from apple. Foxconn got pushed from their deals cause vedanta decided the shots. I mentioned that somewhere on lemmygrad about policy towards china shift at the behest of USA. Investment from china is antagonized at the behest western sentiments albeit doing business all the while.

    Of course adani also gets leeway. They got the acquisition from holcim deal. That shit doesn’t happen without the pull he has with sangh. Not to mention Ambani’s jio doing a british petroleum merger. Also the reliance push for energy projects and electricity.

    The main thing I’m getting at is that these structures will be still intact even if bjp isn’t in the scene. Like in chennai there was eviction drive where like 100 homes werw demolished for like a beautification drive in the city. Lot of companies for the time would love to move operations to states where either they get proper support from sangh bigwigs or other parties. That was the case when modi ran gujarat. Same with other states with similar admins like andhra.

    I’ll give a refresher. Pierre omidyar funded sks microfinance was a devastating thing which led to lot of farmer suicides across india but mainly andhra. Very reminiscent to de soto policy push in peru under fujimori.

    As I said these structures will remain steady even with any other admin and so will the sangh without an admin at centre. And when I say sangh I don’t mean the parivar. I mean the upper caste rich bankrollers abroad. So no it won’t have more or less escalation that wasn’t there prior. Cause the other admins sure won’t be a threat to their operations.

  • I would say aesthetically always preferred gnome but my laptop which is pretty low end ran slow on it. Kde is in that ballpark for my laptop in terms slowdowns but for the most part it floated through. That was when I used like manjaro.

    But I moved on to antix for stability. It has icewm that they configured for the distro. I loved it.

    Due to some hardware issue I tested out other distros to see if it was hardware issue or not. Currently my laptop has gnome on it I think.

  • Well that’s a name I have memory holed. I only know this cause weirdos like socialism4all used to rep it. But I have forgotten. This is a not even an org iirc, its some publication or blog whatever.

    I looked up the blog to see what they push. Oh its glorious. Its all how china is a imperialist country colonizing with their belt and road, and how they plan to take over taiwan. Praising India cause they epic style pushed back on belt and road?

    Of course the best one was their articles on palestine. Its all about how hamas started it and wants their theocratic state. And even in their articles they can’t stop themselves from bringing up china’s belt and road. Also how iran and china are plotting to take over middle east with their policy. Not to mention shitting on some political party in turkey for not condemning hamas attacks.

    Then the most recent piece on how poverty is high gaza. And how the working class in gaza needs fight back against their reactionary forces to stop the both sides war.

    Like motherfucker can you even think for a second. People in gaza subject to genocide and starvation. Their homes and infrastructure has been completely bombed. No shit.

    But the poverty line. Like that’s the takeaway from these genius bloggers.