• 18 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • This was me. Not that I was racist in any way, but I was brought up with a father that absolutely did not (still does not) think that systemic racism existed, that wokeness was damaging, really that any issues the left focused on were mindless and stupid and damaging.

    I went into my first sociology class with that kind of mindset, and the moment I actually started doing research for papers, I realized how wrong I was.

    Really the only people who rail against “woke” education are the ones who haven’t gone to college (my dad) or those making money and power from the grift.

  • I do this shit all the time. When I’m watching movies, I’ll notice inconsistencies or little mistakes in production, I’ll hear sound bytes that have been used across media. Like, I noticed just yesterday that Memoirs of a Geisha (movie) uses the same seagull soundbyte as the start of the SpongeBob opening song. And I was just sitting on my phone, not paying attention.

    I’m definitely a mix of both, because I have some impulsive tendencies with big, exciting decisions. And stuff like this is helping to convince me that I may need to see a doctor about it for some help managing it.