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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: December 21st, 2023


  • I tried to bring others on but hardly anyone was interested. It was a struggle enough as-is just to find reliable DJs. Nobody wants to work for free, and frankly I don’t blame them. And unfortunately I didn’t have the funding nor the listener count to bring in enough revenue to actually pay people. Lemmy just doesn’t have a big enough pool of users to keep a project like this rolling. I thought about recruiting people from reddit but then that would defeat the whole point of having a radio station just for Lemmy users.

  • Can relate. Last year I learned HTML+CSS+PHP and then built and ran a radio station called Radio Lemmy. It was the whole package. Even built programming blocks and brought on DJs. I did this all in under three weeks.

    And then two months later I got lost all motivation and shut the entire project down. Didn’t even make a post in the community for the station. One day the station/website existed, the next day it didn’t. I feel guilty for fucking off, but I’m too embarrassed to go even check to see if anyone made a post asking what happened. Even created a new account in a different instance to hide. I’m pathetic.

    Fucking ADHD. I’ll never have any accomplishments in life because I lose all motivation to carry on the moment I have to actually put in work to make the dream a reality. I’ve always wanted to run a radio station ever since I was a kid, but it stopped being fun and started feeling like a job way sooner than I wanted it to. I’d love to reboot the concept but I know I’m just going to get tired of it and ghost the listeners a second time around… *sigh*

  • I used to use it all the time, but after a few years I got tired of constantly playing a game of “which blocked script is breaking everything this time” every time I visit a new website.

    I wish I could remember the discussion (ADHD), but I remember someone pointing out to me a few years back that Ublock Origin makes NoScript redundant. It does have the ability to block scripts, it just enables them by default instead of blocking them. Don’t quote me on this but I believe the reason was because it only blocks malicious Javascript.

  • Psythik@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldWe may never know
    7 days ago

    Please add Breaking Bad to your watchlist. And then after that, check out Better Call Saul. But promise me you’ll stick it out through the first season of Saul and continue on to the second. I promise you it’s worth it. Breaking Bad is one of the greatest shows of all time, and Saul is even better if you have the patience to let the story slowly build itself up.

  • Psythik@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldDedicated button
    7 days ago

    Look, I get it; I’m 36. But I’ve also come to terms with the fact that 1990 was not actually 10 years ago. Smart TVs have been around for long enough now that old ones can exist. Especially given how much faster the tech is evolving now.

    My last TV from 2020 only lasted 2 years before I sold it and got a newer set. The old one couldn’t even hit 120Hz @ 4K; it could only do it at 1440p. So when I built a new gaming PC, I had to get rid of it just to be able to play at my TVs native resolution and refresh rate. And don’t even get me started on how much better and more affordable OLED is now compared to inferior display tech like IPS and VA. Just four years ago they would have been out of my budget. Which proves my point that TV tech evolves much more quickly than it used to.

  • An HDR calibration/troubleshooting tool for KDE.

    A port of SignalRGB, or a similar app that allows me to set up RGB using a GUI interface where I can arrange the lights to match my physical setup with my mouse. OpenRGB is too cumbersome.

    A proper port of Nvidia Control Panel with no features missing (I especially need the 3D settings screen and RTX video enhancement settings). Or ressurect ATI Tray Tools and add more features for both GPU manufacturers. Nvidia X Server is woefully inadequate.