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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Books, periodicals, internet searches, practicing everything at home on a personal equipment until you’ve got it all mastered. If one can’t learn that way, take courses. The way the rest of us did it. Once you’ve got that, you have the ability to learn anything new coming… and can hit internet forums with well formed questions, complete with context. Staying on nano/pico, there is just no excuse if you’ve already been heavily using linux for 3 years or more. It’s an editor for those who are still in the beginning of the SELF learning phase. It should never be included in any distro’s default install except for school classroom centered distros. Just because something is easy to use doesn’t mean it’s installed as a standard everywhere. Folks learning this as their craft need to learn how to sit in front of any Linux or Unix and use standard tools to achieve what they need to do. That means learn your Vi. Learn your Posix shells like Ksh, Bash, Zsh, Dash, not the nano of shells, fish! Learn your Python, your Perl. Learn your SysV ‘isms in addition to your SystemD. Learn your csh (tcsh will do). Learn your terminal control codes. Learn your SysRq funtions. Learn your tmux, your gnu screen. Learn with and keep handy your books for awk, sed, patterns, perl. Learn your mkfs’, the different filesystems and their benefits, their options and tools, how to resize. Learn your MD raid. Learn your LVM. Learn various encrypt at rest options. Learn containers. Study and remember the differences between gnu, bsd, and sysv tools like tar, cpio, find, and even ps. Books books books! Practice practice practice! Study study study!

    And when you got that done, look up and see what you’ve missed while you were doing all that, and start in on all that new stuff. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. Never stop reading, studying, practicing, learning.

    That’s how. Oh, and delete nano!!!

  • PseudoSpock@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoLinux@lemmy.ml___
    29 days ago

    Sure. It was from a dumb play on words I came up with a really long time ago. It was something that amused me greatly, but literally no one else ever found it funny. “I’m Pseudo Spock, a.k.a not the real McCoy.” Either no one understands my genius, or I’m to stupid to see how stupid I am. Probably the latter.

  • Text is compatible with all the grep, awk, sed, text editors, what have you. As for the argument of it binary saving space, not on modern filesystems with compression, like zfs, btrfs, and bcachefs. The entire resistance against tampering is bogus, any systems where that is a concern already live scrape logs to an off server indexing service. If you are concerned about poorly formatted logs, that is an application configuration issue. Address it directly with the application. There are no benefits to a binary log, especially when journalctl is absolutely no faster at jumping to the end of the long log than standard less is. Poettering has you chasing phantoms. He always does. He’s like the politician who justifies horrible bills by saying it’s to protect the children.